Saturday, March 31, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/31/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[... it's the LAST time I've raving ('cause Jesus and Lent) before returning to my usual ranting next week ...]

... insurance is an amazing thing -- especially when you bump into *this* guy driving *this* jeep.

And by "bump into", I mean when you're sitting at a red light, and the guy in the jeep behind you decides to do a little bumper car action into *your* trunk in order to stop *his* vehicle, pushing you into the car in front of you (which also pushes that front car into the car in front of him).

A few good things ... it wasn't a high speed crash.  It was a big jeep so it hit high up and crushed the trunk instead of doing more damage.  There wasn't anyone riding in the back seat at the time of the crash.  Everyone survived.

A few bad things ... obviously, the crash.  The police officer's official report names our car as the wrong model.  And the aforementioned guy driving the jeep's insurance company couldn't find any record of him in their system, necessitating us resolving this through *our* insurance and leaving it up to the respective insurance companies to sort it all out (State Farm -- feel free to use this pic in your attempts).

Which is actually the whole point.  Insurance is an amazing thing.  We were lucky enough to have the "rental car option", so we had an immediate replacement vehicle the same day as the accident at only a cost of 20%.  And, in the end, it seems like the whole thing is going to settle at almost what was owed on our car that was indeed totaled.

Here's hoping I can one day post that insurance is whatever the next category is up from amazing ... on the day that they go after *this* guy in *that* jeep for the deductible and for the percentage of rental car we paid out of pocket.

In lieu of the traditional links-in-triplicate, here are a few more accident related pics from that day ...

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 26

"Five.  I mean four -- if you don't want me to count my thumb.  Or eight, I guess -- if we're doing both hands but still not my thumbs."

I was clearly flustered.  You would have thought that answering the question of how many fingers I had, in response to what had been asked of me by the man behind the booth in the front of the gentlemen's club, would have been easy.  Back in *my* day -- as opposed to the day in 2084 when I stood there -- I was used to the question being asked at that kind of door by that kind of person to be one about showing an ID ... so a finger census before gaining admittance was odd.

But hey -- it was my first night in Old Orleans -- the city rebuilt when the original one was flooded when the Mississippi River became the Bay of Mississippi after the New Madrid Quake of 2023 had changed America's heartland forever ... and had changed *America* forever as it was split into East and West America shortly thereafter.

These were all things I had learned since arriving in 2084 after slipping through the portal created by my cell phone app.

It was only by running these things through my head as I stood there throwing out various numbers in hopes they one of them would indeed be the right one for me to gain admittance that I also remembered another key fact about "the future" that was likely relevant in that moment.

As part of the debriefing the IntransiGents had given me upon my arrival in the Florida Isles, I had been told about the power of the PCB (Population Control Board) and how they had taken over the zoos in order to raise genetically engineered children ... because animals in zoos, in the future, had been released to be free ... and because children were no longer born the "traditional" way as all sexual activity had moved into the virtual realm.

In those conversations I had been informed that children of the future all had a sixth digit, as such an "evolution" that aided them with their texting efficiency.  By my showing my hands as they were, I was IDing myself as *early* 21st century.

"You're in," the man in the booth said, after looking at my outstretched hands.  "Head to the Voodoo Room."

Voodoo Room.  Voodoo had apparently survived decades later, even though other major religions had failed by that time ...

... which is another story for another end of month, as the window to share with you now is rapidly closing.  Until the last day of the month next, I remain Ilion in 2084, hosted and brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif., communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2018's social media accounts.

Until then -- stay safe ... seeing as how all the Uprisings are still to come for y'all!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/30/18

Okay ... one last pic from that bus trip with Kristi HB back in the summer of 1998.

In case you didn't see the other photos in this mini-series, *this* is Atlantic City (circa two decades ago).

Well, more appropriately, *this* is the space under the AC pier at low tide, the image of which, to my 26 year old self, was more powerful than all the flash and the bling of the casinos up lining the beach.

Was it the light at the end of the pseudo-tunnel to which I was drawn?  Or the symmetry of the foundation that spoke to my mild OCD?  Or the danger in thinking that a dead body might go floating past at any time?

Regardless -- *this* was the underbelly of Atlantic City ... twenty years ago.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 3/26/18

Gone but not forgotten:  the way the back yard was when we moved in on day one just over three years ago.

Lookit, I love me some mulch.  As regular readers know, we tried to sod a time or two, but it just didn't stick -- and with a puppy who is allergic to lengthy exposure to Florida dirt, it was important to have cover over the yard as much as possible.)  But I also love that we are slowly getting a few "pops of color" out back.

What with spring being sprung in other climates (here it's pretty much eternal summer), I thought it fitting to give the latest tour of the place that gives comfort to me and mine.  If you're seeing this on the Facebook, there's a video to accompany the static images (this old man doesn't know how to imbed a video on the blog) ... but either way, you'll be able to see what we see day in and day out.

If you look closely, you might notice the old standards (my archives shed, the thinking bench, the bird house in which the lizards live, and the recently installed "south patio" for catching some Florida sunshine) and some changes:  a little less overheard greenery (thanks to Irma) accompanied by a brand new side fence the length of the yard (also thanks to Irma) ... a transplanted bougainvillea that is now thriving after almost dying ... the one surviving hibiscus plant that blooms daily only for them to fall by night ... our novel approach to dealing with a flower/vegetable box that didn't quite flower and never grew vegetables (due to a lack of easy irrigation) ... a mango tree full of baby mangoes ... and the annual amaryllis currently in all its glory.

My thumbs aren't necessarily green ... but I do love me a space to read ... or nap ... or hang out with the puppies (or the lizards ... or the snakes ... or the 'possums ... or the stray cats ... or the iguanas ... or the spiders ... or any of the other creatures who pass through). 

Empty plot of uninspired land ... you will NOT be missed as your replacement is our much needed little sanctuary.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/25/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

Those Parkland kids ... and all the other kids they inspired.

Kids changed the civil rights movement.  Kids changed the apartheid movement.  Kids changed the world ... and they will continue to do so.

And to all those fuddy-duddies dutifully spreading the memes that mother Russia supplies -- you know the ones with the photo shopping of a torn Constiution and the character assassinations of high school age CHILDREN -- children who just barely survived America's favorite pastime of late (i.e. the active shooter scenario) -- you just better hope that they take on Social Security next, 'cause all the leaders YOU voted in in your adult life robbed from their futures in order to make themselves comfortable in the past and the present isn't looking so good now, is it?  Shame.  On.  You.

To those of you who have to suffer the slings and arrows of your outrageous fortune flung at you by the fuddy-duddy brigade, the lobby zombies and those who prove they shouldn't be allowed in the discussion because they immediately jump to the extreme response foregoing all logic and sensibility ... may all that cruel negativity only serve to strengthen your spirit and to steel your resolve.

For it is the youth who shall lead us ... and it is the youth who just might pass you by ... and when that happens, I promise I'll make a meme for you.




Saturday, March 24, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/24/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[remember, my Lenten tradition (despite not ever pledging allegiance to the Pope Dude) is to rave instead of ranting during the 40+ days of traditional sacrifice ...]

... as of this morning, our snowbirds have flown back north ...

[also remember, due to the magic of back dating on the blog, I'm actually posting this a few weeks late as I found a pocket of time to catch up on my backlog of entries ...] 

Back in the day when we lived in adjacent states, we would visit with Walt and Dolly multiple times a year, particularly around the holidays -- but since the big move from Chitown to the FTL in 2014, we've bundled ALL of those visits into ONE two-three week period every year.  The 5th such mega-visit just ended -- and, as per usual, we can already predict that it is one of the highlights of the year.

As everyone gets older, we tend to do less and less running around when we get together -- although we did get up to the Manatee rescue center this time, and we worked in a full day of thrift store shopping as an outing one long long day.  We also tend to have fewer and fewer Walter-projects, but that doesn't mean that he didn't help with installing the dishwasher, and building a new shelf in the laundry room, and giving the dining room table a new look.  But all that cutting back just meant that there was more time for hanging out (with the puppies AND the kitties this year), for playing a multi-night marathon of Michigan Rummy, and for listening to stories of what Walt watched recently on "the youtube".

Plus -- let's face it -- there's also a good bit of time that goes into choosing some quality eating establishments at which we share multiple family meals (including the annual steak house dinner that ties back to my birthday).  We know we did well when Walter all but licks his plate clean ... after which he lets us know that the food was "good" (and, when we pick places where the waitresses flirt with him, that the service was "really good").

All in all, of course there's the Facebook and phone calls and such, but absolutely nothing beats face to face time with the ones you love and who love you in return.  We're already counting down the days and starting a new list of activities for the 2019 visit.

[In lieu of the usual links-in-triplicate, here's a single link to a brand new Facebook photo album showcasing 10 years of WaltDolly pics like the one accompanying this post.  And yes, we only realized afterwards that the manatee was getting a touch *too* friendly with Dolly as the pic was taken.]


Monday, March 19, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 3/19/18

Gone but not forgotten:  another Billy Joel cassette that is finding its way into the trash can because the exact same release also exists as a CD in my collection, and a guy with the number 50 on the horizon can't exactly keep hold of everything forever.

Tonight, it's his sixth studio album (from when I was but six years) ... and I'm going to bypass all the big hits ('Big Shot', 'Honesty' and 'My Life' anyone?) ... and even though there's a big part of me that wants to pick the sweetly romantic 'Rosalinda's Eyes' (even if it was creepily inspired by his own mama, according to the omniscient Wiki) ... instead I'm going to settle on the slightly more dangerous (you know it so from that bass line followed by the staccato piano [look at me with the music terms!]) and much more cautionary tale that is 'Stiletto'.

The song for all you sadists out there ... you will (not) be missed ('cause I can listen to you on the CD at any time)!


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/18/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

... the pedestrian bridge collapse on the FIU campus.

Lookit, I know that agoraphobia is a serious condition, but I *also* know that, as each day passes and I learn of more and more random ways to die unexpectedly, I'm beginning to think that there might be tremendous value in these apocalyptic-adjacent times in locking me and mine inside our domicile.

The other thing that is happening as each day passes is that more and more stories are coming out implying that this maybe should have been seen coming -- what with it being an experimental bridge design that was rushed through pre-fabrication in record time and swung into place just a few days before the incident ... and now a voicemail is on record that provided advance notice of cracks seen on the span.

Without a doubt, there will be months and months ahead of armchair-bridge-building (with social media, *everyone* suddenly is an expert at *everything*), but for now, it should be about the confirmed six victims, all lost while randomly waiting at a red light when the 950 ton structure rained down on them:  Alberto Arias, Navarro Brown, Brandon Brownfield, Alexa Duran, Oswald Gonzalez and Rolando Fraga Hernandez (hear their stories at the links below/to follow).




Saturday, March 17, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/17/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[remember -- for Lent, I gave up ranting (only on Saturdays ... and only on this blog and not in real life), so I still have a few more weeks of raving to go ...]

... sometime this week is the day we honor all the remaining Rosie the Riveters out there.

All I could find on the interwebs was this image implying it was today, but the Harry show (the daytime talk show that is giving me my Bonnie Hunt fix while she enjoys her too-too-early retirement ... for at least until September seeing as how the show is wrapping after two years at that time) made it sound like it was coming up this week on the 21st (as that is the day it was last year by Senate decree).

At the links below/to follow, you can see part of Harry's interview with one of the surviving Rosies (91 year old Mae Krier).  With those who dealt with WWII dying every day, it's a timely reminder that not all who "served" did time on the front lines.  Whether today ... or the 21st ... or *every* day ... let's remember and let's honor ALL of those from the greatest generation who were called on to contribute the last time we had to resist against the types of ultra-nationalistic leaders who base everything they do on stoking the fires of divisiveness.




Friday, March 16, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/16/18

There comes a time in your life when you need to admit *exactly* who you are ... when you are finally ready to accept that the judgment of others can no longer affect your life at all, and when you are free to outwardly be who it was that you were meant to be your whole life.

In that spirit, I am now ready to announce publicly that I am most definitely ... an archivist.  (Note -- I am NOT a hoarder, because my stashes are well organized and I can [almost] always find that for which I am looking.) 

Also in that spirit, I am now prepared to announce publicly that I have checked my records and I can confirm that this trip (first mentioned two weeks ago) to Atlantic City from twenty years ago happened in JULY (as opposed to March), because my log of out of state trips for that year (yes, I have a log) clearly says ... "Atlantic City ... NJ ... JUL 98 ... gambling and beach with Kristi HB".

As to why no one was ON the beach as photographed on that particular July day in 1998 ... the log simply doesn't say ... (but, two decades after the fact, I feel it is probably safe to blame Trump).

Monday, March 12, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 3/12/18

Gone but not forgotten:  being (relatively) safe from active shooters in my dreams.

As of last night (or probably more accurately early this morning), America's current nightmare scenario worked its way into my dreams.  For reasons unknown, I was in a car headed down the highway when I noticed that all the cars in front of me were rapidly switching lanes to get off at the exit.  Me and mine kept on driving through instead, and on the median side of the interstate, an automatic machine style gun was set up without a person controlling it (kind of like [spoiler alert] the finale of 'Breaking Bad'), spraying vehicles as they passed.  As we drove by, a bullet got me in the neck, and I started gurgling blood.

Then, since it was just a dream and seeing as how I have a very very active imagination, that scene ended abruptly (did I live?  did I die?) ... and suddenly I was a substitute teacher trying to take attendance during homeroom except the class two doors down had some French pop singer performing a mini-concert so we all went to watch (mind you, I don't know a lick of French, and yet I was enjoying these songs somehow) ... and then when we returned, I was embarrassed because I didn't know which kid was which kid and I couldn't complete the paperwork for who exactly came back to my homeroom ... and then I woke up.

I'll let you figure out what that all means ... and I'll just say that when it comes to being safe from stray bullets in my dreams, you will most definitely be missed!




Sunday, March 11, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/11/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

... the fact that the state intends to keep PERMANENTLY the hour we lost springing forward today.

In case you missed it, Florida passed a law to stay forever in Daylight Saving Time -- as in, "thanks for springing forward but you dare not fall back later this year".  Indeed, if all goes as planned, in the winter of 2018-2019, me and mine are going to be in the same time zone as Puerto Rico as we leave Eastern Standard Time behind for a few months each year.

The good news is that we have a few months to complain and/or try to get it reversed ... or else clock confusion will be our future ...




Saturday, March 10, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/11/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

(note:  as you may recall, I've given up ranting for Lent [but only on Saturdays ... and only on the daily blog ... 'cause I'm only human])

... it turns out that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

In other news, I ubered myself for the first time (which makes ME the old dog in this story and "using my cell phone to arrange transportation" the new trick).

Now I know that kids everywhere have been ubering themselves for years already, but I'm not afraid to admit that no one has ever mistaken me for an early adopter (which also means that you know that I don't have any Kardashians as social media friends).

Goodbye to cab drivers ... hello to modern travel (and here's hoping I never get murdered)!




Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 3/7/18

Fort CLYDES-dale!

Used in a sentence:  "For the next few days, I am proud to live in Fort CLYDES-dale!"

It turns out that, courtesy of this weekend's St Patty's Day parade in the FTL (which seems a week early, but I think politicians get scared of celebrating the Irish on the *actual* day what with the rowdiness that often ensues). the world-famous Clydesdales are in town. 

Today was a "meet and greet" over at the park where the regular FTL mounted police have their stables (yes, po-po on horses is a thing here), and so we stopped by after lunch to take a peek. 

I have to say ...

  • as happy as I was to see one of the dalmatians, I really wish he would have been running free instead of being in a stall/cage.
  • as impressed as I was to see the horses, I really think that they wear hair extensions for the ads.
  • as grateful as I was to squeeze in a visit on the lunch break, I really wish it hadn't been during *their* lunch break, as we kind of just saw a bunch of horses' asses looking back at us.

Regardless, though, it was something to see ... so in lieu of the usual links in triplicate that accompany a typical post, here are some more pics from today's trip to the stables ...

Monday, March 5, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 3/5/18

Gone but not forgotten:  the first of a few Billy Joel cassettes, as will be seen over the next couple of weeks.

And don't forget -- I still love me some Billy Joel -- it's just that I also have this same selection on CD, and so it's time to step into the new century (18 years late) and finally clean up the music collection with all of its duplicates.

Speaking of "love", for the tune to feature to memorialize this classic, I'm going to go for the one that speaks so fondly of the days of "dry champagne and fine cocaine", not because I was once fond of champagne ... but maybe because I enjoy yelling out the final modulation of 'I've Loved These Days' whilst remembering my own youth ...


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 3/4/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

The Academy Awards!

(Note:  this is actually being posted the day after the big night ... partly because the damn show went on and on and on [as per usual], into the wee hours of the morning and way past posting time.)

What was the most unexpected part of the evening?  Kobe bashing the current part time resident of the White House (and even him getting an award in the first place in this #timesup era)?  Eddie Vedder performing the song for the "in memoriam" section?  Jodie Foster going on record that she had been "tonya-harding-ed" by Streep?  Tiffany and Maya auditioning to host the next Golden Globes?  The powerhouse performance of 'This Is Me'?  All of the above?

This year, for the first time ever, me and mine found a way to watch (almost) all of the big movies (damn you 'All the Money in the World' for being pulled from local theatres before the final weekend [I blame Kevin Spacey!]) ... 13 of the 14 that constituted those chosen for the Big 6 categories (director, actor, actress, supporting actor, supporting actress and picture).  Sadly, though, that didn't help my ballot -- where I successfully predicted only exactly half of the awards.  Could there be such a thing as being TOO informed?

PS -- if it's awards night, then the dinner is what is pictured (in case you were wondering why this particular photo is accompanying the post) -- doritos lasagna!  Here's to another year of outstanding movies ... and doritos lasagna leftovers!




Saturday, March 3, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/3/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...


[note:  as a reminder, I've given up ranting on Saturdays for Lent -- which means ONLY raves until Easter!]

Ever since being introduced to this "local" restaurant review show way back in the Chicago years (which were 2001-2014 in case you're not a regular reader), I've thoroughly enjoyed the concept:  three "real" people go check out "real" eating establishments in their area and give their "real" feedback about them.

As someone who launched his own "real" restaurant review site three years ago (see below/to follow), I enjoy getting the low down on places me and mine (and, occasionally, other tablemates) might visit in the near future.

As an added bonus, the half hour show is hosted by the inimitable Michelle Bernstein, who brings a sometimes giggly yet always informed response to what the common folk have to say.  I can't proclaim loudly enough how excited we are to see fresh new 2018 episodes!




Friday, March 2, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/2/18

Twenty years ago ... in "some month" in 1998 ... Kristi HB and I took a day to go visit "classic" Atlantic City.

From the placement of these pictures in the 1998 photo album (yes, I'm of an age where I have physical copies of my photos in albums marked by years), I *think* it was the off season ... although this random lady on the boardwalk in front of the Showboat (which was in front of the Taj Mahal) makes it look like it was a warm-ish kind of day (so maybe late spring/early summer?) ...

Note that this was indeed from two decades ago, so I believe it was *before* the Donald ran the town into the ground ... and that means the appearance of that particular casino in the picture might have been aspirational for that era.

Between now and the next photo in two weeks, I just might be able to track down the *exact* dates of this particular trip ... stay tuned.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... common sense "people" control measure (March 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... common sense "people" control measure.

For the 25th edition of this particular concept, I'm wading in to it.

Here's why -- the mission statement for this monthly piece was designed to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant ... and in light of the latest mass casualty massacre, it seems the perfect avenue to try to find some middle ground in order to make some progress on some new "people" control initiatives.

Amidst all the drivel found on the social medias of late, I'm all bought in to at least one thing that really stuck with me in that the fact that what's being sought is not "gun" control -- because, as is often loudly shouted, "guns don't kill people -- PEOPLE kill people" -- so the path forward is all about "people" control.

We control people all the time -- it's part of our social contract.  As the month goes on, I'll post some of the ideas over on the Facebook that should be so sensible that folks won't be able to argue them (although they probably will anyway).  Let the extremists squawk and squabble .. and let the children lead the way with just one more ... common sense "people" control measure.

Random Taste for Thursday 3/1/18

Here we go again for the 3rd year ... a brand new set of tastes for 2018 ...
 here's the EIGHTH of FIFTY tastes of FLORIDA 
(coming to you on sequential Thursdays.  All.  Year.  Long.)!

Establishment:  Honeybee Sweetery
Location:  Ft. Lauderdale


TroyScore:  46 out of 50 -- aka 92, an A