Friday, March 2, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/2/18

Twenty years ago ... in "some month" in 1998 ... Kristi HB and I took a day to go visit "classic" Atlantic City.

From the placement of these pictures in the 1998 photo album (yes, I'm of an age where I have physical copies of my photos in albums marked by years), I *think* it was the off season ... although this random lady on the boardwalk in front of the Showboat (which was in front of the Taj Mahal) makes it look like it was a warm-ish kind of day (so maybe late spring/early summer?) ...

Note that this was indeed from two decades ago, so I believe it was *before* the Donald ran the town into the ground ... and that means the appearance of that particular casino in the picture might have been aspirational for that era.

Between now and the next photo in two weeks, I just might be able to track down the *exact* dates of this particular trip ... stay tuned.