Friday, March 16, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/16/18

There comes a time in your life when you need to admit *exactly* who you are ... when you are finally ready to accept that the judgment of others can no longer affect your life at all, and when you are free to outwardly be who it was that you were meant to be your whole life.

In that spirit, I am now ready to announce publicly that I am most definitely ... an archivist.  (Note -- I am NOT a hoarder, because my stashes are well organized and I can [almost] always find that for which I am looking.) 

Also in that spirit, I am now prepared to announce publicly that I have checked my records and I can confirm that this trip (first mentioned two weeks ago) to Atlantic City from twenty years ago happened in JULY (as opposed to March), because my log of out of state trips for that year (yes, I have a log) clearly says ... "Atlantic City ... NJ ... JUL 98 ... gambling and beach with Kristi HB".

As to why no one was ON the beach as photographed on that particular July day in 1998 ... the log simply doesn't say ... (but, two decades after the fact, I feel it is probably safe to blame Trump).