Saturday, March 31, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 3/31/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[... it's the LAST time I've raving ('cause Jesus and Lent) before returning to my usual ranting next week ...]

... insurance is an amazing thing -- especially when you bump into *this* guy driving *this* jeep.

And by "bump into", I mean when you're sitting at a red light, and the guy in the jeep behind you decides to do a little bumper car action into *your* trunk in order to stop *his* vehicle, pushing you into the car in front of you (which also pushes that front car into the car in front of him).

A few good things ... it wasn't a high speed crash.  It was a big jeep so it hit high up and crushed the trunk instead of doing more damage.  There wasn't anyone riding in the back seat at the time of the crash.  Everyone survived.

A few bad things ... obviously, the crash.  The police officer's official report names our car as the wrong model.  And the aforementioned guy driving the jeep's insurance company couldn't find any record of him in their system, necessitating us resolving this through *our* insurance and leaving it up to the respective insurance companies to sort it all out (State Farm -- feel free to use this pic in your attempts).

Which is actually the whole point.  Insurance is an amazing thing.  We were lucky enough to have the "rental car option", so we had an immediate replacement vehicle the same day as the accident at only a cost of 20%.  And, in the end, it seems like the whole thing is going to settle at almost what was owed on our car that was indeed totaled.

Here's hoping I can one day post that insurance is whatever the next category is up from amazing ... on the day that they go after *this* guy in *that* jeep for the deductible and for the percentage of rental car we paid out of pocket.

In lieu of the traditional links-in-triplicate, here are a few more accident related pics from that day ...