Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 3/7/18

Fort CLYDES-dale!

Used in a sentence:  "For the next few days, I am proud to live in Fort CLYDES-dale!"

It turns out that, courtesy of this weekend's St Patty's Day parade in the FTL (which seems a week early, but I think politicians get scared of celebrating the Irish on the *actual* day what with the rowdiness that often ensues). the world-famous Clydesdales are in town. 

Today was a "meet and greet" over at the park where the regular FTL mounted police have their stables (yes, po-po on horses is a thing here), and so we stopped by after lunch to take a peek. 

I have to say ...

  • as happy as I was to see one of the dalmatians, I really wish he would have been running free instead of being in a stall/cage.
  • as impressed as I was to see the horses, I really think that they wear hair extensions for the ads.
  • as grateful as I was to squeeze in a visit on the lunch break, I really wish it hadn't been during *their* lunch break, as we kind of just saw a bunch of horses' asses looking back at us.

Regardless, though, it was something to see ... so in lieu of the usual links in triplicate that accompany a typical post, here are some more pics from today's trip to the stables ...