Friday, March 30, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 3/30/18

Okay ... one last pic from that bus trip with Kristi HB back in the summer of 1998.

In case you didn't see the other photos in this mini-series, *this* is Atlantic City (circa two decades ago).

Well, more appropriately, *this* is the space under the AC pier at low tide, the image of which, to my 26 year old self, was more powerful than all the flash and the bling of the casinos up lining the beach.

Was it the light at the end of the pseudo-tunnel to which I was drawn?  Or the symmetry of the foundation that spoke to my mild OCD?  Or the danger in thinking that a dead body might go floating past at any time?

Regardless -- *this* was the underbelly of Atlantic City ... twenty years ago.