Monday, March 26, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 3/26/18

Gone but not forgotten:  the way the back yard was when we moved in on day one just over three years ago.

Lookit, I love me some mulch.  As regular readers know, we tried to sod a time or two, but it just didn't stick -- and with a puppy who is allergic to lengthy exposure to Florida dirt, it was important to have cover over the yard as much as possible.)  But I also love that we are slowly getting a few "pops of color" out back.

What with spring being sprung in other climates (here it's pretty much eternal summer), I thought it fitting to give the latest tour of the place that gives comfort to me and mine.  If you're seeing this on the Facebook, there's a video to accompany the static images (this old man doesn't know how to imbed a video on the blog) ... but either way, you'll be able to see what we see day in and day out.

If you look closely, you might notice the old standards (my archives shed, the thinking bench, the bird house in which the lizards live, and the recently installed "south patio" for catching some Florida sunshine) and some changes:  a little less overheard greenery (thanks to Irma) accompanied by a brand new side fence the length of the yard (also thanks to Irma) ... a transplanted bougainvillea that is now thriving after almost dying ... the one surviving hibiscus plant that blooms daily only for them to fall by night ... our novel approach to dealing with a flower/vegetable box that didn't quite flower and never grew vegetables (due to a lack of easy irrigation) ... a mango tree full of baby mangoes ... and the annual amaryllis currently in all its glory.

My thumbs aren't necessarily green ... but I do love me a space to read ... or nap ... or hang out with the puppies (or the lizards ... or the snakes ... or the 'possums ... or the stray cats ... or the iguanas ... or the spiders ... or any of the other creatures who pass through). 

Empty plot of uninspired land ... you will NOT be missed as your replacement is our much needed little sanctuary.