Saturday, September 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 20

Ilion here -- aka Troy in 2084 -- coming to you from the future on the last day of the month courtesy of that loophole when the Vitalnet updates at EOM (if this confuses you, you should probably look up the other 19 missives I've sent).

Recently, in these small windows of time I have to contact you back in 2017, I've been sharing just a little bit of the education that Captain Sandy gave me on my boat ride from the Florida Isles to my destination of Old Orleans and I've been focused on sharing the current state of world affairs (where "current" equals "2084-current" of course) as I was most fascinated by all the changes -- the jbola zone in Africa that had reduced that continent to what was basically an all-animal populace, the contamination zone in the Middle East that was the natural outcome of Crusadageddon, and the rise of the three world powers of Greater Germany, the newSSR and the Sino Dynasty.

Although she knew much about the world of that time, she had no way of knowing about the machinations that were already underway regarding the fears related to Pangaea.2100.  But I'm getting ahead of myself -- *that* particular crisis didn't cross my radar until a few months after that boat ride.  (As a reminder, since I can only communicate with you in small tidbits, the tale of my time here in 2084 is being chunked out to you in pieces.)

Captain Sandy reminded me that, as intrigued as I was, it was more in my interest to be able to spout off facts about East and West America in case the Covfefe Crew interrogated me after seeing the forged papers that the IntransiGents had provided.

Like a schoolboy, I recited what I knew.  The New Madrid Quake of 2023 had split the country in two and they were separated geographically by the enlarged Bay of Mississippi.  The area I had known as New England has been sold to Quebec, which had finally seceded from Canada.  Texas had been flooded and then split in half between the Chapo-Escobar Archipelago and what became known as South Oklahoma -- and yes, a wall was built to separate the territories.  Most of the populated sections of California had slid off into the ocean the same year as the Madrid Quake when the San Andreas fault finally erupted.  Lake SuMiHuEO had replaced the Great Lakes and had swallowed up all of the real estate those five bodies of water once bordered.

Captain Sandy applauded me for knowing those details -- and then she instantly informed me that I'd need to know about what happened to Alaska ... and Hawaii ... and, since my manufactured personal history involved Chicago, all that happened to that Windy City through the years.  That lesson will have to be the topic of next month's missive, as my time is running short.   Until the last day of the month next, I remain Troy in 2084 now known as Ilion as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my future files in the Vitalnet).

Take care of each other ... for I'm afraid it only gets worse from where you are situated in the timeline currently ...

Random Posting for Penn State 9/30/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the IN game on Sep 30, despite this actually being posted on the third Sat in Oct (what can I say ... I've fallen a bit behind).
2.)  Comcast/Xfinity will NOT defeat me.  As previously mentioned this season, they may no longer carry the Big10 network as part of my package here in the SoFlo area (regional bias much?), but technology has advanced to allow me to permit me to score my own victory.

3.)  To whit -- today's game was listened to courtesy of the AM station in Allentown PA, which I got to play through my cell phone -- 'cause technology.
4.)  To whoo (note:  I know my Shakespeare) -- all that said, I did miss the whole first quarter because it took this old guy that long to figure out exactly how to make said technology work for him.
5.)  The whole AM thing kind of reminded me of my high school days listening to WLBR after hours on a tiny blue transistor radio I had hidden from my evil stepmother in my room -- but that's another story for another time.
6.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- a special thanks for using your words to paint the picture to let me know the team was wearing white football shoes in the game (although admittedly "white football shoes" probably go by another name).
7.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- not being able to be distracted by the graphics since I wasn't watching this on the TV screen meant that I had to come face to face with the fact that I have no idea how "nickels" go with football.
8.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- speaking of flashbacks, I had one every time you described a player getting "decked" on the field, as that was something I last heard regularly walking the halls of my high school in various and assorted threats made to any number of individuals as to what would happen after the final bell of the day rang.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be the one and only Mike GASICKI, who went down with an injury but thankfully got ... back ... up.

In closing, thanks to the Pennsylvania Pork Producers' Council for donating 50 pounds of pork to the food back for each sack this season (I think that meant today's game "cost" them 200 pounds) ... and
 here's to another opportunity to keep up our winning streak against Northwestern next week.




Saturday, September 23, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 9/23/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the IA State game on Sep 23, despite this actually being posted on the first Sat in Oct (what can I say ... I've fallen a bit behind).

2.)  Lookit -- when unbeaten teams meet, somebody has to lose.  That's just the way it is.

3.)  According to my notes from the game, Iowa puts out a lot of TALL boys playing football instead of/in addition to bball.
4.)  You know when you have a bit of hurricane go through town ... and you're lucky enough to get your power back pretty much right away ... but then it randomly goes off on a weekend a fortnight later and the electric company tells you that you're the only house on the block that''s affected ... and then some electric guys from NC in town to help with relief efforts determine that your house's surge protector is fried and so they replace it just in time for the game ... yeah, it's been THAT kind of week around here.
5.)  I'm just going to say this ... Josey JEWELL (on the Iowa team) sounds like an outlaw ... except, you know, it's Iowa and not the wild west ... unless the wild MIDwest is a thing?
6.)  I'm just going to *also* say this ... being run off the field by a Hooker (aka Amani HOOKER) makes me giggle every time it happens.
7.)  Speaking of things that make me giggle ... hearing the announcerpeople say "scoot" and "scamper" ALWAYS does the trick.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- I'm not quite sure why, but I wrote down "any QB with a medium arm" on my index card of notes from the game, so I probably didn't want you to say that OR I liked that you did -- I just plum don't remember.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be the one and only Saquon BARKLEY, what with his record 358 all purpose yards and all.

In closing, thanks to whomever came up with the wave to the children's hospital tradition for Iowa ... and here's to another opportunity to keep up our winning streak against Indiana next week.




Friday, September 22, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 9/22/17

Okay ... okay ... just one more picture from the second version of our fraternity house style living in Lebanon back in 1997 (and, in a few different forms, 1998) ... and *this* room was my tradeoff to taking the attic for my bedroom (as previously featured twice).

I agreed to do so -- and to give Corey, Selman and DJ the three bedrooms on the second floor -- so long as they gave me the front room on the ground floor to be my office.

One day again I hope to have a dedicated room for just my desk and files and books and archives (and, in my head, it may look like Lex Luthor's home study in the 'Smallville' TV series, replete with a curved staircase and those ladder type things you have to use 'cause the bookshelves are so tall) ... but until then, I'll always remember keeping office hours and doing law school homework two decades ago in this very spot.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 9/16/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the GA State game on Sep 16, despite this actually being posted on the first Sat in Oct (what can I say ... I've fallen a bit behind).

2.)  You know when you have a bit of hurricane go through town ... and you're lucky enough to get your power back pretty much right away ... but then you don't get your TV/internet for about a week after the storm ... and THEN you find out that your provider decided to drop the BIG10 network from your package ... yeah, it's been THAT kind of week around here.
3.)  Hence the pic accompanying this post.
4.)  In the spirit of fully embracing living in the modern world and not ever being beaten down by the man (where "the man" equals whomever is in charge of creating Comcast/Xfinity's channel lineups), me and mine are still enjoying the game courtesy of a little gather around the cell phone and listen to the FREE audio broadcast.
5.)  But still ... Comcast/Xfinity sucks.
6.)  Listening to broadcast as we did, it was double disheartening to know that we couldn't take advantage of the Dunkin Donuts perks where, if Penn State wins, you (the customer) wins (wah-waaaaah) as that's only in a very limited northeastern area.
7.)  Have I mentioned yet that Comcast/Xfinity sucks?
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- listening to the broadcast as we did, it was a bit of reminiscing to hear the halftime show sponsored by the PA Turnpike (oh the stories we could tell about our time travelling *that* road).
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is actually GA State's Penny HART.  At least I *think* he's my player of the week.  He was definitely on the index card of potential nuggets that I have with me any time I watch/listen to a game.  And I *think* it was for a good reason ... like maybe because it sounded like he was planning on staying in college for as long as I did (shout-out to the 90's, my decade of undergrad).

In closing, thanks to modern technology for defeating the imperial overlords in charge at Comcast/Xfinity and getting us access to the game anyway... and here's to a meet up with Iowa next week that always seems to come down to the wire!




Friday, September 15, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 9/15/17

Tonight's theme for the 45th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "Misc 80's".  They all belong to the pile of things with time stamps on them, but it's a mix of items, from newspaper clippings to letters to pics of my Dad and his wife-of-the-time's Rawleigh stand.

#221:  The Charlotte Observer newspaper clipping showing my Aunt Evelyn (my dad's sister) in full voice in her local choir there; dated Wed, Jun 2nd, 1982
#222:  a letter from State Senator Noah Wenger offering congratulations to Paul and Esther (my paternal grandparents) on their 62nd wedding anniversary; dated Oct 7, 1983
#223:  a letter from Ruth Martin of the "Courtesy Committee" of "The Ephrata Church of God" also congratulating Paul and Esther (my paternal grandparents) on their 62nd wedding anniversary; postmarked Oct 17, 1983
#224:  the Rawleigh products stand (and, for reasons unknown, a whole lot of shoelaces that we once also sold) -- and although the back says Green Dragon and although we definitely did have a stand there for a time, I actually think what's shown is the Lebanon Fairgrounds, where vendors were set up in the old concrete block stalls
#225:  my dad Ralph behind that same booth at the Fair, standing near the "make-your-own-button" section (they tried to do everything in those stands, and we owned one of those crimper machines to buttonize people)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 9/9/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  First, here in SoFlo, we're staring down Irma (although she had so much fun in Cuba that her ultimate influence on us in the East has diminished), and that meant that ABC (which aired today's game) was all about the coverage ... so thanks to modern technology and smart TVs that permit you to still find the game to watch even amidst all that drama.

2.)  Second, thanks to FPL and the aforementioned Irma both for keeping the power on during the whole thing.
3.)  Finally, the strangest thing about watching the game via a streaming app was that the commercials weren't included BUT the dead space when the commercials were happening for everyone else WAS, creating a lot of silence in between plays and a new appreciation for exactly how many ads there are in a game.
4.)  By the way ... did I mention that 4 (as in number four in the country) is my new favorite number?
5.)  Moving on ... anyone know the proper naming of this year's throuple?  Should it be McBarkSicki?  SaySorSicki?  We should have some way to refer to the best threesome since Stephen Baldwin threatened to cut off his junk after engaging in one in that movie from the nineties.
6.)  Also ... congrats to the 1982 team who celebrated the 35th anniversary of the season when the Sugar Bowl was won -- what wiki refers to as "Paterno's first consensus national championship".
7.)  Speaking of Paterno, I did cringe during Marcus ALLEN's smiling dancing celebration as I don't think it would have been permitted back in the day.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- can you maybe retire the phrase "going for a ride on BARKLEY" when you talk about how the little guys can't bring him down?  Just sounds a little porny ...
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is actually poor Pitt's Max BROWNE, because I felt so sorry watching him get replaced by the back up QB in the part of the game where Pitt scored (and I don't mean for that to be as snarky as I know it sounds).

In closing, thanks to everyone on the team for rewriting last year's story of being comeback kids who only play well in the second half by scoring at least 14 points in the first half of both games so far this year
 ... and here's to the first night game of the season next week (against GA State)!




Friday, September 8, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 9/8/17

Seeing as how this is a continuation of the story that was being told to accompany the last picture in this sub-series, here's a quick catch-you-up style summary.

It was 1997.  I was 25.  We (me, DJ, Corey and Selman) were living in the second version of our frat house, eventually memorialized in a tattoo on my arm as Tau Epsilon Delta -- the one on Walnut Street in Lebanon adjoined to the Big Bertha convenience store and I had set up my bedroom in the attic.  The last photo was one corner of the room ... and this was the rest of it.

Since I lived there through the winter, I had an old school kerosene heater for warmth (thankfully, I never died from the fumes nor did I start the house on fire).  All the other necessities that a 25 year old needed were present:  a weight bench, a futon (under which lived Little One, the box turtle), and a burgeoning Bat-collection (that has only grown in the two decades after this photo was taken).  Speaking of small things like that, take a look at that TV -- I mean TV/VCR combo -- that once served as the primary way I consumed television.

Yes indeed ... attic living whilst in your mid-20's -- some of the best years of one's life.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 9/2/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  How does the team ranked the highest its been since 1999 kick off its 131st season?  SPOILER ALERT:  The answer is ... "with a shut-out".

2.)  Although hey -- a million dollar payout for a trouncing such as this is perhaps money well gained, right Zippies?
3.)  Hello there SAQUON and MCSORLEY and GASICKI ... we missed you.and we're glad to see you all back in action.
4.)  Did they say Marcus ALLEN was a SIXTH year senior?  As someone who was in college for most of a decade back in the 90's, I'm not judging or anything.
5.)  I do believe in karma.  You know karma -- like when the kicker on the other team flops like a pro basketball player and pretends to have been hit to get a re-kick ... that we promptly return for a TD on that ill-gained do-over.  Karma.
6.)  Hey announcerpeople -- can you come up with something other than "gaping hole" when you narrate the action on the field?  It's a little too porny for my taste ...
7.)  Hey announcerpeople -- can you maybe leave SAQUON's parents alone so they can watch the game?  I'm pretty sure they didn't want to be interviewed in between plays, and I'm definitely sure that we didn't want to experience the awkwardness of that forced conversation.
8.)  Sitting here watching the game in the FTL, I was surprised to find that half of the Akron team seemed to come from down here in SoFlo ...those poor boys who grew up *here* have to winter in Akron.  My thoughts and prayers go out to them.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is Tyler DAVIS -- for his record length of a field goal that he successfully kicked today!

In closing, thanks to John Capelletti, the only previous Heisman Trophy winner from Penn State ... we're hoping he gets some company *this* year (wink wink) ... and
 here's to hosting Pittsburgh next week in the 3:30 time slot!  The season's only just begun!




Friday, September 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... way to help (September 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... way to help.

I get it.  I'm there with you.  Watching the coverage of the hurricane and its aftermath can be exhausting and overwhelming.  First the heroes ... then the villains (God's looking at you, Joel) ... next some rescues ... then some accidental deaths ... tales of loss and devastation paired up with stories of hope and gratitude.  There is so much to do now in the recovery phase ... and the season isn't even over yet (we're looking at you, Irma).  

What better time to apply this "just one more" concept of embracing  incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.    

Don't get paralyzed by all the choices out there -- pick one that matches your skills, talents and finances and take action -- no matter how small or how big, it's about honoring the fact that we are all here to take care of each other.  To help inspire, for each of the next few weeks when I post gentle reminders about this month's topic over on my personal Facebook, I'll highlight some options from which you can choose.  But to get things started, one of the easiest ways you can reclaim some of the power in the name Harvey is by texting the word Harvey to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross that will be added to your cell phone bill.

The point is to investigate (sadly, evil scammers prey on people during these types of disasters), to gravitate toward the big names who offer assistance or the local opportunities you can verify, to select something that will make a difference and then to take action to find just one more ... way to help.

Random Flashback for Friday 9/1/17

Tonight's theme for the 44th batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is "80's Cardoza Babies!" -- obviously named because every pic in this batch is either Amy or Sebastian, the children in the early to mid 80's of my cousin Suzanne, a daughter of my dad's sister Mary-Ann.  By the way, that is the same Suzanne who I got to see ever so briefly in early 2017 when she picked me up at the San Fran airport when I was in her town for a Super Bowl party.  And also by the way, that makes these kiddies (whom I've likely never met) my first cousins, once removed.

#216:  Amy at Christmas with a stuffed animal (Goofy maybe?), with "Amy 5/83" written on the back
#217:  Amy maybe at church (is that a stained glass window in the background) with "Amy 5/83 written on the back
#218:  brand new baby Sebastian (with Sebastian Enrique Cardoza 1/18/84 written on the back)
#219:  baby Sebastian with a smirk (with my dad's handwriting that says born Jan 18th 1984 on back)
#220:  growing boy Sebastian (with Sebastian Enrique Cardoza 7 months old Aug 84 written on the back)