Saturday, September 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 20

Ilion here -- aka Troy in 2084 -- coming to you from the future on the last day of the month courtesy of that loophole when the Vitalnet updates at EOM (if this confuses you, you should probably look up the other 19 missives I've sent).

Recently, in these small windows of time I have to contact you back in 2017, I've been sharing just a little bit of the education that Captain Sandy gave me on my boat ride from the Florida Isles to my destination of Old Orleans and I've been focused on sharing the current state of world affairs (where "current" equals "2084-current" of course) as I was most fascinated by all the changes -- the jbola zone in Africa that had reduced that continent to what was basically an all-animal populace, the contamination zone in the Middle East that was the natural outcome of Crusadageddon, and the rise of the three world powers of Greater Germany, the newSSR and the Sino Dynasty.

Although she knew much about the world of that time, she had no way of knowing about the machinations that were already underway regarding the fears related to Pangaea.2100.  But I'm getting ahead of myself -- *that* particular crisis didn't cross my radar until a few months after that boat ride.  (As a reminder, since I can only communicate with you in small tidbits, the tale of my time here in 2084 is being chunked out to you in pieces.)

Captain Sandy reminded me that, as intrigued as I was, it was more in my interest to be able to spout off facts about East and West America in case the Covfefe Crew interrogated me after seeing the forged papers that the IntransiGents had provided.

Like a schoolboy, I recited what I knew.  The New Madrid Quake of 2023 had split the country in two and they were separated geographically by the enlarged Bay of Mississippi.  The area I had known as New England has been sold to Quebec, which had finally seceded from Canada.  Texas had been flooded and then split in half between the Chapo-Escobar Archipelago and what became known as South Oklahoma -- and yes, a wall was built to separate the territories.  Most of the populated sections of California had slid off into the ocean the same year as the Madrid Quake when the San Andreas fault finally erupted.  Lake SuMiHuEO had replaced the Great Lakes and had swallowed up all of the real estate those five bodies of water once bordered.

Captain Sandy applauded me for knowing those details -- and then she instantly informed me that I'd need to know about what happened to Alaska ... and Hawaii ... and, since my manufactured personal history involved Chicago, all that happened to that Windy City through the years.  That lesson will have to be the topic of next month's missive, as my time is running short.   Until the last day of the month next, I remain Troy in 2084 now known as Ilion as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my future files in the Vitalnet).

Take care of each other ... for I'm afraid it only gets worse from where you are situated in the timeline currently ...