Saturday, September 30, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 9/30/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the IN game on Sep 30, despite this actually being posted on the third Sat in Oct (what can I say ... I've fallen a bit behind).
2.)  Comcast/Xfinity will NOT defeat me.  As previously mentioned this season, they may no longer carry the Big10 network as part of my package here in the SoFlo area (regional bias much?), but technology has advanced to allow me to permit me to score my own victory.

3.)  To whit -- today's game was listened to courtesy of the AM station in Allentown PA, which I got to play through my cell phone -- 'cause technology.
4.)  To whoo (note:  I know my Shakespeare) -- all that said, I did miss the whole first quarter because it took this old guy that long to figure out exactly how to make said technology work for him.
5.)  The whole AM thing kind of reminded me of my high school days listening to WLBR after hours on a tiny blue transistor radio I had hidden from my evil stepmother in my room -- but that's another story for another time.
6.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- a special thanks for using your words to paint the picture to let me know the team was wearing white football shoes in the game (although admittedly "white football shoes" probably go by another name).
7.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- not being able to be distracted by the graphics since I wasn't watching this on the TV screen meant that I had to come face to face with the fact that I have no idea how "nickels" go with football.
8.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- speaking of flashbacks, I had one every time you described a player getting "decked" on the field, as that was something I last heard regularly walking the halls of my high school in various and assorted threats made to any number of individuals as to what would happen after the final bell of the day rang.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be the one and only Mike GASICKI, who went down with an injury but thankfully got ... back ... up.

In closing, thanks to the Pennsylvania Pork Producers' Council for donating 50 pounds of pork to the food back for each sack this season (I think that meant today's game "cost" them 200 pounds) ... and
 here's to another opportunity to keep up our winning streak against Northwestern next week.