Friday, September 22, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 9/22/17

Okay ... okay ... just one more picture from the second version of our fraternity house style living in Lebanon back in 1997 (and, in a few different forms, 1998) ... and *this* room was my tradeoff to taking the attic for my bedroom (as previously featured twice).

I agreed to do so -- and to give Corey, Selman and DJ the three bedrooms on the second floor -- so long as they gave me the front room on the ground floor to be my office.

One day again I hope to have a dedicated room for just my desk and files and books and archives (and, in my head, it may look like Lex Luthor's home study in the 'Smallville' TV series, replete with a curved staircase and those ladder type things you have to use 'cause the bookshelves are so tall) ... but until then, I'll always remember keeping office hours and doing law school homework two decades ago in this very spot.