Tuesday, October 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 21

Hello again from 2084!

It's Ilion, the name I took when I stepped through the portal created by the Vitalnet app I downloaded to my cell phone, so as not to be confused with the Troy I left behind in 2017 (because I actually exist in both eras, courtesy of a scientific advancement in the future called "astral projection with a corporeal element").  My 2017 self didn't live long enough to make it to 2084, but thanks to yet another scientific advancement, my IQ, EQ and SQ (soul quotient) files have been downloaded into that same Vitalnet, and it's those files (designated as t1a7n72.lif) that originally contacted me during a loophole on the last day of the month when the Vitalnet processes its updates.

Of course, you already knew all of that.if you've been reading these monthly communications.  And you also already know that I'm currently one of many on a boat being guided from the Florida Isles to Old Orleans by Captain Sandy so that I can gain entry to East America to bear witness to the Fourth Uprising.

The Captain, who is connected to the InstransiGents, the group of resisters that has coordinated all of the specifics of this part of my journey, has been staying up late nights when it is safe to do so to fill me in on the state of world and national affairs so that I don't make any gaffes when I eventually interact with those outside of the organization who will not know of my status of being a visitor who skipped over 60 years of history.

During one of our late night sessions, she let me know that Hawaii had succumbed to the same rise in seawater that turned Florida into a set of small islands, and was now simply known by the active volcanic peaks of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea seeing as how the main hospitable land was underwater.  Alaska had been abandoned by the split countries of East and West America (split geographically by the 2023 Madrid Quake and politically by the rise of the replacement parties to Republicans and Democrats based on allegiance to Android or Iphone smart technology).  It was now land fought over between the Sino Dynasty and the newSSR as both hoped to establish a presence on the continent (Greater Germany, the other world superpower, had no interest in the land, which had been drained of all of its natural resources by this future time.)

Feeling a bit more knowledgeable about how the Americas of 2084 compared to the America of my original time, I then requested an update on Chicago.  After all, Chicago was a key part of the cover story that had been crafted for me ... and so I needed to be able to understand its history in order to avoid raising any suspicions when the boat docked in Old Orleans.  

As much as I'd like to share that with you today, I'll need to save that information for my next missive, as the window is closing on the monthly Vitalnet update.  Until next month at this time, I remain Troy-in-2084, now known as Ilion, using Troy-left-in-2017's social media to share updates of my journey to the future as sponsored by t1a7n72.lif files in the Vitalnet.  

And please -- stay safe and take care of each other for it gets much worse before it gets better.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/28/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Well shoot ... gosh darnit!

2.)  As it is Saturday night, it was always the plan to get into the cherry whiskey after the game was over.  But now it's going to be a SAD bottle of cherry whiskey instead of a HAPPY bottle of cherry whiskey.
3.)  Let's be clear:  that was a one point win.  So let's not go too crazy in Columbus tonight.
4.)  Speaking of points, another record that fell tonight (sigh) was one worth noting.  Up until that field goal from the other team, we had outscored our opponents 104-0 in the first quarter.  Just sayin'.
5.)  Because I have mad coping skills, my takeaway from this game is going to be that 97 yd return by Saquon BARKLEY that kicked off the afternoon.  I'm just going to replay that over and over again in my mind instead of fixating on the final score.
6.)  Is it too late to blame those throwback uniforms with the distracting bright red football shoes (or cleats, as I understand they are called by people who know football better than I do)?
7.)  There were quite a few shots of the loud crowd at the horseshoe tonight ... to which I have to note that they apparently admit younger and younger people into college nowadays.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- how did you *not* reference Eddie Murphy's classic "my shoe!" skit when Saquon lost his tonight during the game?
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be our whole damn team ... because I have faith in the fact that we'll come back from this and treat it as an anomaly to an otherwise outstanding year.

In closing, thanks to FOX, who aired the game, for letting me know that we still have the World Series each year (I thought that that particular competition would have ended once and for all last year after the Cubs finally won) ... and here's to playing that other team from Michigan next week at a time somehow *still* to be determined?!? ...




Saturday, October 21, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/21/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the Mich game on Oct 21, despite this actually being posted a few days after that date (what can I say ... I was a bit buzzed by the end of that night game and have now just recovered).
2.)  Who's #2?  We are!  (see what I did there?)

3.)  I love me a white out!
4.)  It was nice to see the game on a TV again (curse you Comcast/Xfinity and your decision to remove the Big10 network from my plan) ... and to that end, it was also nice to see good sport Tebow in the Halloween Heisman House ad with its punch-to-the-gut-line.
5.)  Hey Michigan's version of Goldilocks (aka WINOVICH) ... play nice!
6.)  Speaking of Michigan, thoughts and prayers are with Samii Stoloff, the Michigan junior student photographer injured on the sideline during the game.
7.)  This spot is reserved for whatever I intended to post from my notes that I no longer understand -- it looks like I jotted down "Cames cannes", "9-88 dunk qb" and "wrinkle".  Did I mention I was buzzed whilst watching the game?
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- I know I'm a child at heart, but really?  Booger?! *That* is the announcername we're going with?
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Mike GASICKI (and it's not the first time he's been so referenced) ... although this time it's to honor all 78 inches of him!

In closing, thanks to all the boys for erasing the memory of the "embarrassment" that was last year's game against this team... and here's to playing THE Ohio State next week in the late afternoon (where somehow we are the underdog?!?) ...

WE ARE ... NUMBER 2!!:



Saturday, October 14, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/14/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the bye week on Oct 14, despite this actually being posted on the third Sat in Oct (hey look ... I think I might finally be all caught up!).

In honor of today's bye week, here are nine TUNES to which you can listen whilst waiting for the next game (I predict you will quickly notice a theme):

1.)  BYE BYE LOVE (the everly bros):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmjPAb-v4Nw
2.)  BYE BYE BYE (the nsync kids):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo-KmOd3i7s
3.)  BYE BYE BABY (the inimitable Bonnie Raitt):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiS2ceBnYRc
4.)  BYE BYE BABY (the rollers from bay city ):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUwW108ITzw
5.)  BYE BYE GIRL (some kid named donovan):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhOa2JG0hGw
6.)  BYE BYE (that mariah carey diva):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqfLVDIZcP8
7.)  BYE BYE BABE (guess who [without a question mark]): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8yhpYIiWuU
8.)  BYE BABY BYE BYE (fats domino [not that there's anything wrong with being big boned]):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-OWqFnPTcg
9.)  BYE BYE JOHNNY (those rolling stones):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZDZxYBIdd8

In closing, thanks to all the music out there ... and here's to hopefully continuing our win streak next week in a night game against Michigan.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/717

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the NW game on Oct 7, despite this actually being posted on the third Sat in Oct (what can I say ... I've fallen a bit behind).
2.)  Now I'm not saying Chicago plays dirty ball, but there sure were a lot of penalties in today's game.

3.)  Now I'm not saying that Chicago plays dirty ball (the reprise), but there were TWO players ejected for targeting today from that team.
4.)  If it was 70 and windy today, then how come coach Pat's nipples were on full display the whole game (note:  I googled coach Pat's nipples to try to get an image for this post and I suggest you *don't* do that as you can't un-see everything that pops up in the results -- and *that's* why the accompanying image is the new athletic building coming to the campus on the lakefront sometime soon).
5.)  Speaking of wind, methinks that NU could claim that IT is their version of the "12th man" on the field.
6.)  Did I hear that stat right?  We are 76-0 when it comes to first quarter scoring this year against our opponents?  "We are" indeed!
7.)  So a bit of a slow start ... but we got it done.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- I'm not confirming whether I teared up or not (it was probably my contacts [except I wasn't wearing any]), but I did really like when you told Saquon's story (again) and said that he represented "all that was good about college football".
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be good ole Tommy STEVENS aka the back up quarterback who scored a touchdown today (i.e. "Trace to Tommy for the td) ... 'cause why not?

In closing, thanks to the BigCats Bacon Doughnut burger (as featured on today's broadcast) 'cause it makes me want to hurry back home to Chicago while that monstrosity is still on the menu ... and
 here's to a well deserved bye week next week.




Sunday, October 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... breast (October 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... breast.

You never know -- the one you save may be your own (and for all you boys out there, we're not excluded -- we're just relegated to the third week of this month).  

First -- the obligatory reminder:  this whole "just one more" concept is about embracing incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.    

Second -- the obligatory disclaimer:  I will NOT be spending the whole month featuring famous three breasted women (like in the classic 'Total Recall' film ... or that season of 'American Horror Story' that for some reason we still haven't finished).

Third -- the obligatory explanation:  what will actually be happening these next few weeks of October is that we'll be jumping all over the pink bandwagon to help promote national breast cancer awareness month.  Get yours squished ... donate to a good cause ... remember a loved one you lost ... choose from any of a number of activities in honor of just one more ... breast.