Saturday, October 21, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/21/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the Mich game on Oct 21, despite this actually being posted a few days after that date (what can I say ... I was a bit buzzed by the end of that night game and have now just recovered).
2.)  Who's #2?  We are!  (see what I did there?)

3.)  I love me a white out!
4.)  It was nice to see the game on a TV again (curse you Comcast/Xfinity and your decision to remove the Big10 network from my plan) ... and to that end, it was also nice to see good sport Tebow in the Halloween Heisman House ad with its punch-to-the-gut-line.
5.)  Hey Michigan's version of Goldilocks (aka WINOVICH) ... play nice!
6.)  Speaking of Michigan, thoughts and prayers are with Samii Stoloff, the Michigan junior student photographer injured on the sideline during the game.
7.)  This spot is reserved for whatever I intended to post from my notes that I no longer understand -- it looks like I jotted down "Cames cannes", "9-88 dunk qb" and "wrinkle".  Did I mention I was buzzed whilst watching the game?
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- I know I'm a child at heart, but really?  Booger?! *That* is the announcername we're going with?
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Mike GASICKI (and it's not the first time he's been so referenced) ... although this time it's to honor all 78 inches of him!

In closing, thanks to all the boys for erasing the memory of the "embarrassment" that was last year's game against this team... and here's to playing THE Ohio State next week in the late afternoon (where somehow we are the underdog?!?) ...

WE ARE ... NUMBER 2!!: