Saturday, October 14, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 10/14/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

Disclaimer:  due to the power of post-dating on this blog, the reference to "today's football game" is actually going to be all about the bye week on Oct 14, despite this actually being posted on the third Sat in Oct (hey look ... I think I might finally be all caught up!).

In honor of today's bye week, here are nine TUNES to which you can listen whilst waiting for the next game (I predict you will quickly notice a theme):

1.)  BYE BYE LOVE (the everly bros):
2.)  BYE BYE BYE (the nsync kids):
3.)  BYE BYE BABY (the inimitable Bonnie Raitt):
4.)  BYE BYE BABY (the rollers from bay city ):
5.)  BYE BYE GIRL (some kid named donovan):
6.)  BYE BYE (that mariah carey diva):
7.)  BYE BYE BABE (guess who [without a question mark]):
8.)  BYE BABY BYE BYE (fats domino [not that there's anything wrong with being big boned]):
9.)  BYE BYE JOHNNY (those rolling stones):

In closing, thanks to all the music out there ... and here's to hopefully continuing our win streak next week in a night game against Michigan.