Tuesday, October 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 21

Hello again from 2084!

It's Ilion, the name I took when I stepped through the portal created by the Vitalnet app I downloaded to my cell phone, so as not to be confused with the Troy I left behind in 2017 (because I actually exist in both eras, courtesy of a scientific advancement in the future called "astral projection with a corporeal element").  My 2017 self didn't live long enough to make it to 2084, but thanks to yet another scientific advancement, my IQ, EQ and SQ (soul quotient) files have been downloaded into that same Vitalnet, and it's those files (designated as t1a7n72.lif) that originally contacted me during a loophole on the last day of the month when the Vitalnet processes its updates.

Of course, you already knew all of that.if you've been reading these monthly communications.  And you also already know that I'm currently one of many on a boat being guided from the Florida Isles to Old Orleans by Captain Sandy so that I can gain entry to East America to bear witness to the Fourth Uprising.

The Captain, who is connected to the InstransiGents, the group of resisters that has coordinated all of the specifics of this part of my journey, has been staying up late nights when it is safe to do so to fill me in on the state of world and national affairs so that I don't make any gaffes when I eventually interact with those outside of the organization who will not know of my status of being a visitor who skipped over 60 years of history.

During one of our late night sessions, she let me know that Hawaii had succumbed to the same rise in seawater that turned Florida into a set of small islands, and was now simply known by the active volcanic peaks of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea seeing as how the main hospitable land was underwater.  Alaska had been abandoned by the split countries of East and West America (split geographically by the 2023 Madrid Quake and politically by the rise of the replacement parties to Republicans and Democrats based on allegiance to Android or Iphone smart technology).  It was now land fought over between the Sino Dynasty and the newSSR as both hoped to establish a presence on the continent (Greater Germany, the other world superpower, had no interest in the land, which had been drained of all of its natural resources by this future time.)

Feeling a bit more knowledgeable about how the Americas of 2084 compared to the America of my original time, I then requested an update on Chicago.  After all, Chicago was a key part of the cover story that had been crafted for me ... and so I needed to be able to understand its history in order to avoid raising any suspicions when the boat docked in Old Orleans.  

As much as I'd like to share that with you today, I'll need to save that information for my next missive, as the window is closing on the monthly Vitalnet update.  Until next month at this time, I remain Troy-in-2084, now known as Ilion, using Troy-left-in-2017's social media to share updates of my journey to the future as sponsored by t1a7n72.lif files in the Vitalnet.  

And please -- stay safe and take care of each other for it gets much worse before it gets better.