Wednesday, November 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... native american (November 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... native american.

Okay folks ... this isn't just about who brought what to the first Thanksgiving (although I'm guessing that first corn on the cob was ON POINT) ... but instead it's about the fact that t
he month of November is actually Native American history month (courtesy of Daddy Bush long before he was his wheelchair-sitting ass-loving self.).

Lookit:  my personal history allows me to claim 1/16th native american origin (as the story goes, my mother's father's grandmother was an original inhabitant of this continent, although I haven't been able to find much about the so-called Luckenbill tribe).  Regardless of whether that heritage would hold up in a court of law (although let's face it -- I *do* have nice cheekbones), the purpose of this particular mission is to remember that the vast majority of us are immigrants in the truest sense of the word.

That being said, the month ahead will be the opportunity to look back and to think hard about the original inhabitants of the lands we now call ours and to remember just one more ... native american.