Thursday, November 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 22

"Did you know the Third Uprising actually *started* in Chicago?"

I did not.  And so I told Captain Sandy as much as we sat there in the cool of the evening on the deck of the luxury yacht the night before we arrived at our destination of Old Orleans.  Chicago was a part of my cover story for making it into East America, so the Captain was making sure that I was as informed as I possibly could be in order to not raise any flags during any interactions with any others from 2084 who might get suspicious and peg me as someone who was different.

Of course, the chances of anyone figuring out that the specific difference when it came to me was that I had traveled through a portal from 2017, summoned there through communication initiated by the files that had been uploaded to the Vitalnet that represented my future self's IQ, EQ and SQ (soul quotient) in computerized form -- they would have been slim.  It was highly unlikely that anyone would have guessed that I was being providing safe passage by the IntransiGents, who had begun planning for the Fourth Uprising ... and that I was going to be a part of it.

"That was the last straw -- the city was basically abandoned after the blockade," she said.

She then told me about the city's initial early upheaval once it became known that it was a White Power cell based in Rockford that was secretly supplying the minority-led gangs with drugs and guns as part of a master plan to have them destroy each other -- and how the race riots went on for years until a truce was reached only by creating zones where each group could live with their own kind.-- the Black, the Brown, the Rainbow and the White --  all entrenched in their historic neighborhoods, with the downtown area a no-man's land.

The New Madrid Quake of 2023 -- which led to the creation of East and West America -- was strong enough to do substantial damage to most of the infrastructure and the high rises ... and the rising water levels created all new problems for which the city wasn't initially prepared.  Sandy told me that the only good thing to come from those back to back natural disasters was that the remaining survivors found a way to unify and to throw off their zone allegiance.  The IntransiGents took notice and moved in and established the faction that eventually launched the Third Uprising.  Then a blockade ... followed by the abandonment ... and finally the Captain assured me that no news made it in or out of the area ... and so no one in 2084 knew for certain what was happening in what was once known as Chitown.  

So now you guys in 2017 know as much as I did that evening in 2084.  With that, I have to say a fond farewell for tonight as the window during which the Vitalnet updates on the last day of the month is closing ... as is my ability to use that loophole to pass along yet another communication.  Until the last day of the month next, I remain Troy-in-2084, now known as Ilion, using Troy-left-in-2017's social media to share updates of my journey to the future as sponsored by my t1a7n72.lif files in the Vitalnet.  

As always, stay safe and take care of each other for I now know that it gets much worse before it gets better.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 11/25/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  And so ends a season.  Well, a regular season.  Rumor has it that our bowl game might be of the cotton kind, but we shall see.  Also -- thanks Saquon for confirming you WILL play in wherever we end up after all!

2.)  For the last time this season, curse you Comcast/Xfinity, for moving the BTN channel out of my cable package after letting me have it for the past prior three seasons since the big move down here to the SoFlo.
3.)  AND for the last time this season, thanks to modern technology and the iHeart Radio app which led me to the Learfield broadcast of the game on an Allentown based AM radio station 790 WAEB (first on the list).
4.)  By the way, thanks to me for learning that a cell phone placed on a surface that is hollow underneath is basically a poor man's speaker, 'cause science!
5.)  Despite me cursing out Comcast/Xfinity these last few weeks, I actually don't believe much in curses (except maybe that old Creole woman who might have put a spell on us at the other house when we wouldn't let her steal our mangoes), but that MD QB position sure seems like it might be a little cursed.
6.)  On to the celebration -- 19 wins out of the last 22 played!  Back to back 10 win seasons for the third time in the Big 10 era!  Woo hoo!
7.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- I thought the ad from the PA Pork Producers was saying "put some pork on your pork" instead of "pork on your fork" until I went looking on the interwebs and saw otherwise.  I think my slogan is better.  Just sayin'!
8.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- ten "scintillating" seconds for station identification?  That's setting the bar a little high, no, for a rather mundane task?
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Tommy STEVENS.  I mean sure, he's going to eventually have to learn how to throw the ball to others instead of keeping it for himself time after time, but with multiple TDs doing things his way, I'm not complaining -- yet.

In closing, thanks to everyone who played a part in making this season so special -- it's the 17th one to which I've paid attention (it started back in 2001 after the move to Chicago from PA as a way of feeling more connected to the home we left for bigger and better things) ... and here's to whatever bowl game we get, to that blue and white game coming up sooner than you think on Apr 21 of 2018, and to playing Appalachian State (wait, what -- who?) *next* Labor day weekend.




Saturday, November 18, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 11/18/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Hey FS1 ... thanks for going to University Park for the first time ever today ... because that means the game was on a channel I still get and I could *watch* it instead of listening to it today.

2.)  In other news you heard before ... curse you Comcast/Xfinity for removing the big10 network from my package and making me *listen* to a handful of games this season.
3.)  I knew in advance that it was going to be inclement weather for today's game because the holiday parade in my hometown in central PA got postponed to next week (and not everyone on the FB was happy about that particular decision).
4.)  Funny thing about the power of suggestion -- it's in the low 80's down here in SoFlo, but seeing all the people shivering in the stands made me want to go grab an afghan for the couch.
5.)  A benefit of being able to *watch* the game meant that I could *see* the players ... which leads me to my question:  "Was that QB for Nebraska Tanner LEE rocking a porn 'stache?"
6.)  That was a *dirty* game.  Literally, not figuratively.  I know some football player moms that are gonna be pissed after having to deal with those uniforms (that's the way it works in college, right?)!
7.)  When Tommy STEVENS keeps the ball, I just want to yell "Run ... TOMMY ... RUN!" a la Forrest Gump.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- a "wad" of humanity?  Really?  That's the word that came to mind when there were too many boys around the ball to overturn the call?  A humanity "wad"?
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* players of the week are going to *have* to be all the guys who were breaking records with the statistics tonight.  I was going to list them all out, but it seemed like something new was happening every other play (not that there's anything wrong with that).

In closing, thanks to all the seniors (even the guy who got ejected ... and the one who is a junior but doesn't plan to stick around for next year -- or maybe even play the bowl game) ... and here's to the final game in the season at Maryland at a time (and network?) yet to be announced.




Saturday, November 11, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 11/11/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Another Saturday, another afternoon gathered around the cell phone *listening* to the game, all old-tmey like..  'Cause ... curse you Comcast (for removing my BTN down here in the SoFlo)!

2.)  As represented graphically in the image accompanying today's post, it was a slow start ... but a happy ending.
3.)  Speaking of happy endings ... no, no.  There's too much of that in the news nowadays.  I daresn't add to it.
4.)  So anyway -- Happy Penn State Homecoming!  Happy Veterans' Day!  World War I is over!  (If you don't get that reference. see the link below as to why we celebrate what we celebrate today.)
5.)  Apparently the game was played in 32 degrees today.  As per my recollection, I haven't personally seen 32 degrees since 2014.  Just sayin'!
6.)  Now I'm not saying that my iheartradio app is spying on me, but I will say that the commercials seemed to switch from Allentown (some camera store?) to Florida (for gambling and lotto?) as if it knew I was here in the SoFlo listening to an Allentown station.
7.)  Courtesy of today's radio broadcast, I am now in the know about the DelGrosso Sauce Red Zone.  Broadcast TV doesn't show that stuff, yo!
8.)  Hey radio announcerpeople -- I think your name is Jack ... but every now and again, you sound like Homer Simpson calling the game.  D'oh!
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Jason CABINDA.  I don't know if the broadcast folks said his name as much as the radio folks did, but it seemed like he was involved in every play!

In closing, thanks to all the veterans ... and
 here's to that game against Nebraska (when*ever* it is next week, as it still hasn't been announced).




Saturday, November 4, 2017

Random Posting for Penn State 11/4/17

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Sigh.  That's *two* weeks in a row now when the Saturday night round of cocktails is SAD drinkin' instead of HAPPY drinkin'.

2.)  Funny thing today was.  I DVR'd the game what with a ticket to the 1pm showing of the latest THOR movie, and then watched it when I got home -- whilst, unbeknownst to me, the weather delayed game was being aired live.
3.)  In retrospect, maybe it would have been better had THOR and this thunder stuck around all day long causing the game to have ended when we were still ahead instead of what it was when I picked it up again in the 4th quarter.
4.)  Well -- at least we still have Sayquon BARKLEY and no one else does.
5.)  I'm not being bitter, I'm just saying that that Spartan march down the field tradition could use a little tightening up ... maybe they can sprinkle in some cheerleaders to help keep them all in a straight line?
6.)  I'm not being bitter, but those sure are some tiny parking lots up there in East Lansing in the overhead shots of the stadium.
7.)  I started to think about how we could still be in the championship game, but my head began to hurt from thinking about all that would have to happen first.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- I may be getting older but y'all looked like high school students calling the game -- especially that rosy cheeked one (I'm looking at you Joe DAVIS).
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Trace MCSORLEY, who, before the game delay, had tied old man HACKENBERG for most TDs thrown in a season.  I can only deduce that he broke that record during the part of the game I missed.

In closing, thanks to Iowa State -- you know what you did ... and
 here's to another noon game next week (unless, you know, lightning) -- a game I'll have to listen to on a streaming radio service (curse you Comcast!)




Wednesday, November 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... native american (November 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... native american.

Okay folks ... this isn't just about who brought what to the first Thanksgiving (although I'm guessing that first corn on the cob was ON POINT) ... but instead it's about the fact that t
he month of November is actually Native American history month (courtesy of Daddy Bush long before he was his wheelchair-sitting ass-loving self.).

Lookit:  my personal history allows me to claim 1/16th native american origin (as the story goes, my mother's father's grandmother was an original inhabitant of this continent, although I haven't been able to find much about the so-called Luckenbill tribe).  Regardless of whether that heritage would hold up in a court of law (although let's face it -- I *do* have nice cheekbones), the purpose of this particular mission is to remember that the vast majority of us are immigrants in the truest sense of the word.

That being said, the month ahead will be the opportunity to look back and to think hard about the original inhabitants of the lands we now call ours and to remember just one more ... native american.