Thursday, November 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 22

"Did you know the Third Uprising actually *started* in Chicago?"

I did not.  And so I told Captain Sandy as much as we sat there in the cool of the evening on the deck of the luxury yacht the night before we arrived at our destination of Old Orleans.  Chicago was a part of my cover story for making it into East America, so the Captain was making sure that I was as informed as I possibly could be in order to not raise any flags during any interactions with any others from 2084 who might get suspicious and peg me as someone who was different.

Of course, the chances of anyone figuring out that the specific difference when it came to me was that I had traveled through a portal from 2017, summoned there through communication initiated by the files that had been uploaded to the Vitalnet that represented my future self's IQ, EQ and SQ (soul quotient) in computerized form -- they would have been slim.  It was highly unlikely that anyone would have guessed that I was being providing safe passage by the IntransiGents, who had begun planning for the Fourth Uprising ... and that I was going to be a part of it.

"That was the last straw -- the city was basically abandoned after the blockade," she said.

She then told me about the city's initial early upheaval once it became known that it was a White Power cell based in Rockford that was secretly supplying the minority-led gangs with drugs and guns as part of a master plan to have them destroy each other -- and how the race riots went on for years until a truce was reached only by creating zones where each group could live with their own kind.-- the Black, the Brown, the Rainbow and the White --  all entrenched in their historic neighborhoods, with the downtown area a no-man's land.

The New Madrid Quake of 2023 -- which led to the creation of East and West America -- was strong enough to do substantial damage to most of the infrastructure and the high rises ... and the rising water levels created all new problems for which the city wasn't initially prepared.  Sandy told me that the only good thing to come from those back to back natural disasters was that the remaining survivors found a way to unify and to throw off their zone allegiance.  The IntransiGents took notice and moved in and established the faction that eventually launched the Third Uprising.  Then a blockade ... followed by the abandonment ... and finally the Captain assured me that no news made it in or out of the area ... and so no one in 2084 knew for certain what was happening in what was once known as Chitown.  

So now you guys in 2017 know as much as I did that evening in 2084.  With that, I have to say a fond farewell for tonight as the window during which the Vitalnet updates on the last day of the month is closing ... as is my ability to use that loophole to pass along yet another communication.  Until the last day of the month next, I remain Troy-in-2084, now known as Ilion, using Troy-left-in-2017's social media to share updates of my journey to the future as sponsored by my t1a7n72.lif files in the Vitalnet.  

As always, stay safe and take care of each other for I now know that it gets much worse before it gets better.