Friday, September 14, 2018

Random Flashback for Friday 9/14/18

As referenced in the last two posts in this series, I am now presenting proof of what anybody who was anybody in my home county of Lebanon PA was doing this month two decades ago.

Namely -- we were all at the Congregational Church of Christ in Lickdale PA attending the wedding of good friends Mr and Mrs Eric and Sheri F.

Since the big day is supposed to be all about the bride (seen here smiling after the ceremony), I won't get into how this particular building, and their specific officiant, figured into MY past, but let me just say that it was a bit of a twist to the long form version of my own tale.

Instead, I'll just use this time to say congratulations to them on this couple's 20th anniversary ... and to try to get points for not posting any pics from the ceremony when they were made to kneel down right in front of the pastor to speak into the microphone at his waist (an unfortunate sight line situation for those in attendance).