Saturday, August 11, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 8/11/18

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... it strikes me that those who protest those who protest are inherently endorsing the right of those against whom they are protesting to protest ... which then leads to the realization that those who protest those who protest are both simultaneously protesting AND supporting those against whom they are protesting by their very protest.  So those who protest (the second group, not the first) should maybe get up off their knees when they are done and applaud those who are protesting them seeing as how they are basically agreeing with them that they have a *right* to protest -- and then they can all go out and have a beer (in bars in separate parts of town, 'cause ... you know ...) ... and while they are there, they can debate and discuss how racist 'The Star Spangled Banner' is in the first place (at least when it comes to the little known 3rd verse).

... by the way, it also recently struck me that when I say that "I hate those who hate", I'm actually admitting that I hate myself, seeing as how starting out that sentence with "I hate" also categorizes me as someone in the group at the *end* of that sentence (although I would also posit that my hate is better than "their* hate, 'cause ... you know ...)

... by yet another way, the truth is that I've had to deal with this type of circularity/paradoxicity in my life a lot of late.  Like when I came to terms with the fact that I want those suffering from the opioid epidemic to get all the help that they need -- except for whichever one of them stole the CDs out of the car when they were looking for spare change since I hope that they OD on their next drug-adventure.  And how I want all the young latchkey kids in the 'hood to get enrolled in an after-school program that teaches them the life skills they need to improve their station -- except for the ones who hide behind the bushes in the front yard to throw things at cars passing by as I'm going to build one of those Vietnamese traps with the holes in the ground that they would fall into on top of poisoned spikes (as soon as I find an authentic Vietnamese shop that will sell them to me).

Sometimes BOTH things can be true ... sometimes ALL things can be true ... (which maybe means that NOTHING is true) ... and sometimes all this thinking maybe makes my head hurt ...