Monday, August 20, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 8/20/18

Gone but not forgotten:  the meatloaf in the trash can.

Oops -- I probably should have capitalized that M ... because it is indeed a cassette in Marvin Aday's *stage name* that's being shown in the trash receptacle in the accompanying photo.  (Also, just in case you've not seen this series before, this example of a now-ancient form of delivering music is only IN the trash can because the CD version is still in the overall music collection ...)

It's the *classic* Marvin/Meatloaf release, of course -- not the *rare* classic that has him in a duet with Cher, but the standard classic operatic 'Bat out of Hell' (... or, seeing as how there were eventually TWO sequels, 'Bat out of Hell [part 1]').  It IS a classic because EVERY song on it is a classic, although seeing as how I typically only choose ONE tune to feature as I say goodbye to releases via this type of post every other week, it's going to have to be the blue-balls-opus I first heard at a party in the basement of a house in Germany during my college semester abroad -- where I was called out for not knowing all the words -- a mistake I most definitely no longer make!