Friday, August 11, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 8/11/17

Twenty years ago ... in the summer of 1997 ... we were starting up the *second* version of our fraternity house (after a six month separation immediately following the dissolution of our first attempt -- but that's a story for another day ... say, two weeks from now?).

As such, Mauler and I moved into the attic (along with the box turtle named Little One ... and the ferret, *also* named Little One).  Mauler was only a few months old, and you may have to look closely to see her lounging in this bean bag chair in the corner.

Even as a tiny (ish) kitten, Mauler was queen of whatever was serving as the "castle" of the moment.  PS -- you know it's the late nineties what with the 200 cassettes in the background (a collection that would one day grow to closer to 600).