Thursday, August 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 19

Captain Sandy was filling in ALL of the blanks about the state of the world on our boat trip from the IntransiGent camp in the Florida Isles to Old Orleans.  

(FYI -- in case you missed any of the other missives, this is Ilion, the name that I took on when I used a portal as directed by my future self [who had been uploaded into the Vitalnet as a series of IQ, EQ and SQ files] in a cell phone app to slip into the future ... and now that I'm also here in 2084, I'm using Troy-in-2017's social media to communicate with you all in small chunks on the last day of every month when the Vitalnet is updating and a tech window briefly opens.)

In the last communique, I shared the story of how jbola (a fifth generation biological weapon created by scientists based on the ebola virus and released by Kim Jong Un's daughter Kim Ju-ae after her father had been assassinated) had killed off nearly everyone in Africa such that the animals had reclaimed that land in the jbola zone.

With East America and West America (divided by the expanded Bay of Mississippi, an after effect of rising seas and a large fissure created by the New Madrid Quake of 2023) extremely isolated and therefore no longer a world power, the other side of the world that wasn't under water (for instance ... you can say sayonara to Japan ... and toodle-oo to Australia ... and cheerio to most of the United Kingdom) was split equally between Greater Germany, the NewSSR and the Sino Dynasty after Crusadageddon.

Similar to Africa, the Middle East was also a contamination zone, as the final battles of Crusadageddon were all of the nuclear kind.  Officially, oversight of the Mideast Exclusion Zone was given to the NewSSR -- as they had the most experience of how to handle that type of man made disaster from when the Chechens' Last Stand resulted in the Chernobyling of multiple nuclear power plants with in the Russian sphere of influence.

There is still so much to share, but my limited time this month is drawing to a close.  Until next time on the last day of the month next, I remain Troy in 2084 now known as Ilion as brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif (my future files in the Vitalnet).  'Til then ... take care of each other, because the more I learn about what's ahead for your tomorrows, the more I see that you are going to have to rely on your friends and family just to survive.  I leave you with that thought for now as I take my leave tonight.