Monday, May 1, 2017

Random Memorial for Monday 5/1/17

Gone but not forgotten:  this bootleg version of Reba's 'Greatest Hits Vol II'.

We're reaching the light at the end of the Reba tunnel in this particular construct of showing cassettes that are being discarded because the CD version of the selection is also in the collection.  I know that we're near the end of Reba's role (note:  there are many more cassettes ahead to get the discarded treatment) as we're now up to the ones that were taped from someone else's copy.

For you young'uns out there -- this is the 1990's version of an illegal download.

Regardless, picking a tune to feature from side A of this tape is a bit more challenging, what with how many times Ms. McEntire has appeared in this blog over the many many years of posts and what with the fact that her most popular songs are in this collection and so the likelihood that they were already featured is higher.    That being said, I'm still able to choose ... and I choose this exhortation from her to remember ...

So you've got to let your love shine through
Your eyes, your smile

Max play-tape from so long ago, you will be missed (but only until the corresponding CD gets pulled out for a listening).