Monday, May 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... forgiveness (May 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... forgiveness.

Another month ... another challenge -- and this month speaks directly to the mission of this particular concept of embracing incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

This month of May, please consider joining me in offering up just one more forgiveness.  Now I'm not saying you have to necessarily start big ... and me personally, I still suspect that the list of people on whose graves I'll be urinating will be the same come Memorial Day (don't worry -- it's a small list -- and you're not on it -- unless you are).  It's just that maybe you're like me and need a little reminder of how forgiveness actually works.

By the way, just in case no one ever told you ... or you never watched Oprah in her natural environment ... forgiveness isn't really about the other person -- it's about YOU.  Start local -- the person who cut you off on the highway, the older hateful lady who called out a slur in the grocery store line, the out of control kids who pass by your yard and tear leaves off your hedges each day ... and then maybe ... just maybe ... you can work your way up that dolt on Pennsylvania Ave.

And another thing -- they say that weak people can't forgive and that the ability to do so is an attribute of the strong.  Let's all be strong together and find a way to offer up just one more ... forgiveness.