Sunday, April 30, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 15

Ilion here, taking advantage of the monthly update to the Vitalnet on the last day of your month to send you another quick message on my Facebook page back in 2017 from the future so that you can catch up on the "history" of what happened in 2084's recent past.

I have been told that my papers to get me out of the Florida Isles and into Old Orleans on the Bay of Mississippi that separates East and West America since the 2023 New Madrid Quake should be arriving at any time, so I want to be sure to complete my explanation of the all-powerful Population Control Board as that is the non-partisan governmental agency -- supported equally by the A's and the I's -- that I must fool in order to leave the safety of the refugee camp of IntrasiGents here who are planning the Fourth Uprising.

You probably remember me sharing in my last missive how the PCB was originally formed to address the strain on resources that unchecked population growth had placed on the Americas, and how they took advantage of advances in science whereby a person's EQ, IQ and SQ files could be uploaded to the cloud so that the physical body could be discarded ... and then how they used those files to form the knowledge management system named "The Noble Purpose" to which everyone could connect.  They issued the Fuscia Slips to group after group -- educators, religious leaders, health professionals -- mandating an upload ... after which the leftover bodies were gathered and eliminated.

It was only a matter of time before the absolute power placed in that authority absolutely corrupted ... except luckily there was a back door into the system and the IntransiGents, who have played a role in EACH of the uprisings since your days, exploited it to ensure that the agency was dismantled during the Third Uprising.  Sadly, memories of the political leaders were short-term, especially since that group of professionals was always exempted from the Fuscia Slips and therefore was made MORE powerful as the ratio of politician to citizen grew, and the PCB was reauthorized recently (as related to this era in 2084) to deal with the *opposite* problem in that the birth rate had severely *declined* with the turn to virtual reality for all sexual interactions.

Whereas once the PCB's mission was to eliminate ... the current version is tasked with a careful application of the survival algorithm to grow the exact numbers needed for the next generation that will ensure the right mix of people and resources.  The family as a unit had long disappeared with the incessant focus on the rights and uniquenesses and powers of the individual, and so the PCB in this era is responsible for the training of the future generations and has appropriated various large properties that were once used as zoos for their purpose.

I can assure you that I find that fascinating, and I hope to visit one once I am safely in the country (remember that the Florida Isles [and all of Central and South America that is not underwater] belong to the Chapo-Escobar Cartel).  But until then, I remain Ilion in 2084 (the name given to me so as to minimize confusion now that I've taken advantage of  "astral projection with a corporeal element" and exist in both eras), still hosted and brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif., and still communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2017's social media accounts -- as I will do again on the last day of the month next.