Saturday, April 1, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 4/1/17

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... I will ... because all throughout the Lenten season, I'm going to rave instead of rant ...

[note:  I know you're likely not reading this until long after Lent, but thanks to the power of post-dating on the blog, I'm going to slip this in to the spot where I had originally intended it to be ... AND ... despite it being tagged for April 1, everything contained herein is TRUE and not a Fools' Joke]

There's something heartwarming when you find out that the person who owns the other half of this particular artifact from my tangible memory shelf (doesn't everyone have one of those?) still has it AND has it somewhere close enough to show up in the midst of a surprise Facebook chat.  This rock was split up over 25 years ago in what started as an acting exercise of sorts (hint:  'Come Blow Your Horn') when each of us had it in our pockets during the show, and it went on to represent a brotherly bond that came along at just the right time for me and my development back in the day when I was a young 'un in need of a role model or two on what it meant to be a man.

Time has definitely passed (did I mention 25 years!) ... and one of us just turned 50 (which is why I'm not naming names) ... and who'd have thunk it that we both now are Floridians (although on opposite coasts).  Funny how life plays out sometimes ... here's to maybe reuniting these sacred stones in the near future.

In lieu of the usual companion links in triplicate, here's the photographic evidence that the other half still exists: