Friday, March 31, 2017

2 0 8 4:M i s s i v e 14

Hello again Facebook friends and family -- it is Ilion here with my latest message from the future.

(Hopefully, you recall that Ilion is the name I've been given now that I exist both in your time and in 2084, where I've traveled courtesy of the Vitalnet app I downloaded to my cell phone and the portal it opened up when I followed the instructions communicated to me from my EQ/IQ/SQ files stored in that time.)

As I mentioned in Missive 13, here in 2084, I am waiting for papers that will get me into Old Orleans (an outpost on the Bay of Mississippi) that are good enough to fool the Population Control Board.  I promised that I'd share some of the history I learned about this all powerful bi-partisan organization, seeing as how the portal put me in a refugee camp in the Florida Isles (no longer a part of East America) filled with IntransiGents planning the Fourth Uprising -- and while waiting I have had a chance to catch up on the "history" of what happened in this future's recent past.

To review what I've previously shared ... once virtual reality radically transformed the way human sexuality was expressed and the birth rate dropped precipitously since VR was better -- and more addictive -- than actual relations, the A's and the I's agreed to revive their earlier bi-partisan effort at controlling population -- this time to ensure that our people did not die out.  (Remember, the Republicans and the Democrats imploded during the Second Uprising and were replaced with competing factions of those who use Android/Google products and those who are addicted to all i-things [aka:  the A's and the I's]).

However, I am getting ahead of myself again.  There will be more time to talk about the *revival* of the PCB -- but first I need to explain its original mission.  As the number of people on the planet continued to grow exponentially and the earth's resources dwindled, the world had reached a tipping point.  Nuclear war had all but decimated the Middle East, and Jbola had wiped out the entirety of populations in Africa (more about *that* in a future missive).  America, though, was spared both of those occurrences -- which meant the government had to step in to effect change.

They came first for the educators, with a call to action to curate the best and the brightest minds into one knowledge management system -- referred to as The Noble Purpose -- so that every child could have access to only the best of the best.  They were the first set of individuals to take advantage of the advances in cloud storage to download EQ, IQ and SQ (soul quotient) files for each person such that their body would no longer be needed -- and could be disposed of to alleviate the pressures on resources.  The PCB leaders told everyone that they started with volunteers, but classified documents since released have shown that these educational professionals were coerced, and that the memory of what actually happened was carefully extracted from the files before storage.

The Noble Purpose campaign advanced with nationalistic fervor, and it was only a matter of time before more and more groups received the dreaded Fuscia Slips, signifying that they were next to go through the download.  "Live Forever!" was the promise.  "For the Greater Good!" was the rallying cry.  And just like that, the PCB quickly became the most powerful governmental agency ever.

Once again, I find myself having to close, as I must limit my communications to small bits and bytes in order to slip them through time and space during the update of the Vitalnet that only happens on the last day of the month.  I promise to tell more about the PCB's dismantling ... and its subsequent revival ... in Missive 15 on the last day of the month next.

Until then, I remain Ilion in 2084 (the name given to me so as to minimize confusion now that I've taken advantage of  "astral projection with a corporeal element" and exist in both eras), still hosted and brought to the future by t1a7n72.lif., and still communicating with you through the use of Troy in 2017's social media accounts.