Friday, March 31, 2017

Random Flashback for Friday 3/31/17

Tonight's theme for the 33rd batch of photos of my father's that I inherited when he passed is " new puppy/blurry puppy".  As you might recall, now that I've moved to the photos of color, I discovered there's a ton of animal pics in the collection -- so for the time being, every *other* set of these types of shots will be of the animals.  I'm pretty sure this golden fluff ball grew up to be "Fluffy" the poodle of my grandparents from when I was little -- although Fluffy was all white, so it does make me wonder.  (And why they all gots to be so blurry, yo!?!)

#161:  new puppy in a bed
#162:  puppy and grandpa Paul on the porch (blurry)
#163:  puppy and grandpa Paul on the porch, different day (also blurry)
#164:  puppy and grandma Esther on the porch (super blurry)
#165:  puppy and grandma Esther on the porch, different day (yep -- it's blurry too)