Saturday, February 18, 2017

Random Soapbox for Saturday 2/18/17

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

[... remember, one rave a month is good for the soul instead of ranting all the time ...]

... there's nothing like having your own set of snowbirds that come to visit here in Florida -- now for the fourth year in a row!  And, as an added bonus, nephew Jac got to join in for a good part of the vacation.

If you're friendly with me over on the Facebook, then you may have seen all the activities tagged with #DollyWalt2017 (and #andJACtoo) -- including many a meal (especially my annual birthday dinner at a steak house), many a day trip (like to the Everglades National Park to see the missile silos and a "house of refuge" on the beach up in Stuart), many a game with many a drink (yahtzee and triple yahtzee and "Michigan rummy" multiple times) and even a few around the house projects (like an update to the dishwasher and the re-activation of a front door motion detector light).

The best part, though, isn't that we run around and do lots of things for the weeks they are here ... it's that we get to do all of that WITH them, because when family comes to town, it's all about being TOGETHER and sharing the LOVE ... and it's a great thing to be loved!

[In lieu of the typical companion links, I'll post the vacation photos from 2016, 2015 and 2014 below (in descending order).]