Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Random TNT for Tuesday 1/10/17


1  There was plenty of blame to go around, as far as Zar was concerned.  2  He had been promised by the hosts of the New Year's Eve shindig that the other guy wasn't even going to be invited.  3  So either the hosts had lied, or his nemesis J had found out about the gathering and decided that there would be no harm in making an appearance. 

4  Whether a set-up or an unfortunate coincidence, it was still Zar who reacted, so he had to share some of the fault.  5  Better said, courtesy of the abundance of the holiday spirits, it was still Zar who OVER-reacted, spurred on by the excess of alcohol.  6  For that, he was personally holding Marta responsible.  7  She was the one who insisted they play the drinking game, and it was her lack of hand eye coordination that kept them on the losing end, awash in shots as punishment for their failures.

8  If placing the blame was the name of the new game in which he was engaged, then he decided his dead mother would have to get in on that action.  9  She had kept her cancer diagnosis a secret from her kids, and in so doing, had robbed him of the time he needed to prepare for her demise.  10  His emotional growth was now stunted, and his coping skills would forever be sup-par.

11  Then there was Maria -- pregnant-with-child older sister Maria.  12  If she hadn't been so insistent on being the one to call if he ever found himself in trouble, then she wouldn't have gotten the call after he confronted his nemesis about his lies and deceit.  13  She wouldn't have been in the Uber driver's car in her condition shortly before the stroke of midnight just to save him from certain charges of assault because he was close to acting out in a physical way.

14  So there it was.  15  The fact that Zar was squatting at the curb, spitting up the extra Jager from the two too many shots he had just taken was the fault of the party hosts, his nemesis J, his drinking buddy Marta, his dead mother Maggie and his pregnant sister Maria.  16  He cursed each of them separately as his body spasmed and retched.

17  From the activity in the car that he couldn't bear to witness, he concluded that his pregnant sister Maria was pregnant no more.  18  The stranger who was in charge of the birth yanked on his collar.  19  "Let's go," she barked to him.  20  "We have to get to the hospital."  21  He made a note to ask his sister at some appropriate later time how it was that the Uber driver had an additional passenger who was skilled at the art of baby delivering.

22 Now was not the appropriate time though.  23  He climbed into the back seat, trying to find a place to perch that wasn't a yucky wet spot.  

24  He had purposefully gone out of his way to avoid seeing his sister mid-birth, because, after all, she was his older sister and that would have been too gross.  25  However, there was no way he could miss the aftermath.  26  He stared into the little child's eyes, wrapped in a coat as she was with a nametag that said Angel that the driver had given his sister, and he was almost certain that the baby winked at him.

27  Maria smiled at him through exhausted eyes.  28  "Little Gabriella April, meet your Uncle Lazaro."