Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Random Wordplay for Wednesday 1/11/17

Seeing the sexual sights.

Used in a sentence:  "Far be it from me to begrudge 'president' elect Trump from a standard part of any great vacation:  seeing the sexual sights that the locals have to offer."

It's what you do when you travel.  If you go to Tijuana, you're going to take in an actual dog and pony show (you DO know how that phrase originated, right?).  If you go to Bangkok, you're going to dodge the artfully launched ben wa balls being pinged (or is that ponged) into the crowd,  If you're already in Thailand, you might bump into a lady boy or two.  If you go to San Francisco, you're going to go try out a restroom glory hole (but only after first confirming with the owner of the orifice on the other side that he isn't a cop, 'cause if he was a cop he'd have to say so).  It's what you do.

So if Comrade Trump allegedly wanted to watch a little girl-on-girl golden shower action as he vacationed in Moscow, then maybe it all boils down to the fact that he was just seeing the sexual sights, and he shouldn't be slammed for it.  For all we know, one of the two women engaged in the public display of urination may have been in the running to become his next mail order bride.  Finding the right partner is a process, and maybe this whole escapade was a part of it.  If it *was* some kind of negotiation, let's just focus on the fact that he no doubt negotiated hard ... he negotiated bigly ... he got the best deal when it came to the menu of options those prostitutes would perform.

Side note:  can we stop with the feigned surprise that this was allegedly on this man's itinerary ?  This is the guy who spends time in locker rooms bragging about grabbing genitalia (because, after all, his tiny hands couldn't exactly get a hold of all the breasteses, like typical sexual assaultists) and the guy who would only naturally bang his daughter if it wasn't for those darn anti-incestual norms (because, you know, he thinks she's hot).

Additional side note:  it has bothered me since the beginning of this election cycle about his unique hair color and how so many of the people on his team seemed to be using the same dyeing process to get that same Trumpian golden glow on all their coifs (see the head of Kellyanne Conway as the lead example).  I'm thinking this latest "leak" to the press is going to blow the lid off that little beauty secret.  Hint:  it's not hair dye that gets you that color ...

One final note:  if it turns out that "President"Elect Trump was the one filming "two girls and a cup" a few years back, then THAT should definitely disqualify him from taking office.  There has to be a line drawn somewhere.