Monday, January 9, 2017

Random Memorial for Monday 1/9/17

Gone but not forgotten:  this latest entry in my ongoing series "discarded cassettes".

Since it is the first time it's appearing on the new blog (so much change!), I should explain the concept again.  The cassettes I find in my trash can every fortnight are being thrown out ONLY because I also already have the matching item in CD format.  This means that they are going to heavily favor the late 80's/early 90's (my Columbia House/BMG/12cassettesforapenny days).

In NO way is this recurring act to be interpreted as any kind of commentary on the actual artist -- especially seeing as how one of my favorite ladies will find herself in the trash all the way from now until the summer -- starting with the classic 10th studio album from Reba back when she still had a professional last name (McEntire, of course).  As for the song to feature, it's NOT going to be the sad title track ... but the empowerment upbeat anthem that was a second release.  In modern lingo, it was the "conscious uncoupling" of its time -- where maybe only the one party was aware.

'Whoever's in New England', at least until the next time I listen to the CD version, you will be missed.