Monday, January 2, 2017

Random Memorial for Monday 1/2/17

Gone but not forgotten:  Random Tune for Tuesdays.

According to the blogkeepers, there have been 374 posts tagged as such, starting with the very first one on November 3 of 2009 (more about that in a moment).  But in 2017, Tuesdays are being rebranded as TNT Tuesdays and a brand new "short" story (told weekly) will join my other creative output in that space.  There will still be music on the blog, though, since my ongoing discarded cassettes series is moving to Mondays starting next week and going every other Monday for many many fortnights into the future.

And there will be a few more rebrands ahead, also to be announced this week.  Fun fact: this is not the first time things have changed -- Random Memorials for Mondays were once known as Random Musings for Mondays back in the very beginning ...

For now, though, let's end the tune thing exactly as it was started.  Here's a reprint of the 11.3.09 post:

"So I was playing Cranium with the family recently, and I pulled the card for MC Hammer. I unwisely chose 'humdinger' as my choice because I thought I could at least get the repeated phrase 'Hammer-time' across. No such luck. I doubt I would have had much more of a chance with this song, but until today, I forgot he even sang this theme song. Wonder if it will be in the new musical version?"

At least 374 songs featured as random tunes (some weeks had multiples) that all started with this one, you will be missed ...