Sunday, January 1, 2017

JUST ONE MORE ... act of kindness (January 2017)

JUST ONE MORE ... act of kindness.

Welcome to this month's new challenge -- because that's what we do now when we turn the calendar -- a challenge that somehow relates to my concept of embracing incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

Simple -- yet potentially profound.  And needed more than ever in today's society.  Yep -- the call to action is for us each to perform just one more act of kindness in the weeks ahead.  Feel free to choose the situations as they arise, and hopefully by the end of the month, it will become second nature and just flow from you unfettered.

Here's what I can assure you:  You'll feel better.  The recipient will feel better.  The world will feel better -- just one more ... act of kindness at a time.