Sunday, January 1, 2017

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 1/1/17

What southern Florida is talking about this week:


All the cool kids are doing it ... and me too -- despite me not having been a cool kid for a year or two.  Without any further ado, here are my 7 for 2017 (and no, the image accompanying this post is not one of them ... it's just currently my FB cover and is just for "fun").

1.)  I resolve to watch Days of our Lives again by the end of the year.  I started watching regularly in college, as many do, and it was a part of my viewing habit up until Apr 10, 2012, give a take or time a two when I might have had a sabbatical.  Once Stefano died last month (the actor did for reals, not the character, who was always dying and coming back to life later), I realized that it's only a matter of time before the people I knew in Salem are going to be all gone.  Of course, I have five years worth of daily synopses to read first ...

2.)  I resolve to get a better handle on my financial health.  I'm realistic here and I know this is going to have to be in stages ... but the first step is always to understand exactly where it goes so fast.  I'm not homeless or anything, but let's just say my defense against identity theft is to have a financial imprint that is like Henny Youngman's wife -- take it, please!  Expenses will be tracked and evaluated ... and things will get better.

3.)  I resolve to work through my backlog of periodicals. I'm too embarrassed to say how far behind I am (it's not as far as the day I stopped watching Days though), but I'm going to speed read one a day until the five piles are gone.

4.)  I resolve to have this be the year of the push-up.  Last year was the year of the bicep curl (I'm up to 70 per arm at max dumbbell weight three times a week), and I'll be applying a similar approach for the push-ups:  I'll be doing the amount equal to the day of the month for as many sets as is equal to the number of the month (i.e.  starting with 1 set of 1, and then building up to 12 sets of 31 by year's end)!

5.)  I resolve to clean up the trash in the front and side yard.  Living next to the four lane road everyone uses to speed through town means that the littering is out of control.  We've focused on the fenced in back yard and have given the front little attention.  Heretofore, my attitude to the mess had been "that's why you can't have nice things in the ghetto", but it's time to take action.

6.)  I resolve to travel, 'cause that's what brings me joy.  Confirmed for February is the annual "chasing the Super Bowl" trip, this year to San Francisco -- and then Vegas for the 6th year in a row (courtesy of the annual work conference).  Plus I'd like to see the solar eclipse when it travels across America in August ... and there are ideas for one or two more trips to squeeze in.

7.)  I resolve to join twitter -- with my new about-to-launch brand (stay tuned)!  I have no idea as to how I'm going to stay within that character limit ... but challenge accepted.

Here's to progress prior to the check in on July 1 -- my annual mid-year's day celebration that also always features BBQ.