Saturday, April 13, 2019

Random Posting for Penn State 4/13/19

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from this year's Blue/White game:

1.)  Housekeeping note:  Even though the game was indeed on the afternoon of Sa the 13th, the Big10 network didn't air it until later that night ... and I didn't watch what had been recorded until Mon or Tues ... and here it is the Sa after when I'm finally posting ... BUT thanks to the magic of the "post-date" feature on the blog, posterity will think that this all happened the same day.

2.)  As someone who has not been a lifelong football enthusiast who only really gravitated toward being a part of the "we are ..." chant after moving to Chicago in 2001 and wanting a connection to back home despite being so far away, I have to tell you that the whole "we'll make up the rules as we go along" environment of the spring game keeps me in a confused state for most of the event.
3.)  So if boxers who can easily get knocked out have a "glass chin", does poor Tommy STEVENS have a "glass foot"?
4.)  In related news, hey there Sean CLIFFORD ... I remember you from a few games last season!
5.)  In additional related news, exactly how many QBs are we going to get to see today?  And we seriously have ourselves a "Michael Johnson" in that role?  Admittedly, I'm old, but doesn't the Olympic athlete from the late 90's have that name copyrighted yet?
6.)  Hey Judge CULPEPPER -- please ask the powers that be for a bigger shirt.  I mean I know that Cher pioneered the whole "get your belly button past the censors" thing decades prior to your airtime ... but hers wasn't quite so hairy in HD.
7.)  Hey announcerpeople -- when you tell us that Noah CAIN plays for both teams (as it relates to today's game), since the majority of your audience is "woke", we assume that means that he's proudly representing the B in the gay alphabet.
8.)  Hey announcerpeople -- we too are pleased to see Mr. MILLEN return ... with a brand new heart.  As such, we'll suppress any of the snark that normally appears in this section.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Dan CHISENA ... because everyone loves a "you-won-a-scholarship" moment during a game!

In closing, thanks to "thin-hipped, sized-15-shoe-wearing" Brandon SMITH for getting everyone so excited about the season ahead ... and here's to a full summer of fun before Labor Day weekend (and our game against the Idaho Vandals) arrives!