Monday, April 1, 2019

JUST ONE MORE ... phila thing (so as to love more) [April 2019]

JUST ONE MORE ... phila thing (so as to love more).

It's the year of "more" -- or at least, with regards to this ongoing special concept of mine designed so that I can try to find 
a way to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks [or just me] to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach, and apathy often seems to be running rampant, it's the year of "more".

We've spent the first three months of this year of "more" focused on ways to laugh more ... but now that it's the beginning of the second quarter, it's time to pivot to things that help us to *love* more!  ("Living more" and "being happy more" are still to come.)

So that's all the long way to say that those of you who thought this month was going to be about things to do in Philadelphia ... you're only just a little close.  Instead it's all about the Greek definition of "phila" as brotherly love (*there's* the Philly connection) and shared goodwill.  It's about finding the kind of friends who are useful and pleasant and good and rational and virtuous.  It's about finding friendships that offer companionship, dependability and trust -- and then it's about keeping them by putting in the work to maintain them.  (Concept sourced here:

As always, over on the Facebook, I'll keep the reminders going all month long for anyone who chooses to join me in focusing on the good stuff ... the beloved stuff ... the friendship stuff ... by devoting some deserved attention to
 ... just one more ... phila thing (so as to love more).