Monday, December 3, 2018

Purposeful Memorial for Monday 12/3/18

Gone but not forgotten:  Jen (Garbutt) Owens.

To be clear, Jen passed away a few months ago (in November of 2018), and I only found out when a mutual friend reached out to me randomly shortly thereafter one night on the Facebook.  I also will admit that, except for following along on the Facebook later in life, my days spent interacting with her were limited to my time spent in Uniontown in 1992-93 when we all worked together at the Cherry Tree Cafe.

That being said, my heart still breaks to learn that, after a short illness, Jennifer was taken from this world way too soon.  And my heart definitely aches for her mother, who also worked with us and who survives her, and for Jen's children, who were understandably apparently the lights of her life.

Back in the early 90's, as previously stated, Jennifer was the hostess at the restaurant where we all worked, and so I will choose to remember her with *this* smile (a pic taken in my Uniontown apartment at an after-party one night when we were all carefree and just enjoying every moment that life gave us) that she flashed to every customer as she seated then so many years ago.

Jennifer, for having the good looks of a professional  model and yet who took the time to make each and everyone with whom you came into contact feel special in their own right -- you are most definitely missed.