Monday, December 3, 2018

30for30: Most Memorable Teachers/Staff #29

In just 118 days, the LHS Class of 1989 will celebrate its 30th high school reunion (on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 7pm in the back room of the infamous Downtown Lounge) ... and to get us excited about that milestone, I'll be presenting four special TOP 30 lists -- a different one for each of the months ahead.

The December list will be the top 30 most memorable teachers/staff (see rules below), and tonight, we're remembering head librarian JUDITH A GARDNER, nee Flickenger (seen here in her 89 yearbook faculty photo, link to her wedding announcement below).

If you have no memory of Mrs. Gardner requesting that you be quiet, after which she'd almost certainly yell at you for ignoring that request, then you clearly found some way to never set foot inside what was then the circular shaped room of books (with a bonus square room off to the back that could be closed off with a sliding door for things like standardized testing or special class sessions to be held in that space).  By the way, that room that once seemed so spacious looked downright tiny when our class got a tour of it during the 25th reunion weekend.

And on a personal note, as someone who started 9th grade in high school with my junior high library award plaque hanging in my bedroom, it's no surprise that I recall time spent in the library with Mrs. Gardner as having been a quality experience.  Besides, she let me search the microfiche for keyword 'cher' and let me print out any of the articles I found to feed my late 80's obsession with all things Cher.

Here's to you, Mrs. Gardner!

RULES FOR THIS TOP 30 LIST:  Honorees must be one of the ninety individuals listed in the faculty pages of the '89 yearbook (which means two thirds of the list are already not going to be referenced).  Honorees may also be selected from the photos of support staff as well (so long as they are on the surrounding pages of the same section).  Honorees must be memorable (if there are no stories, then there will be no post about that person).  Honorees are chosen and ranked by me (if you disagree, start your own list on your own blog).  All memories are believed to be accurate (but are being told through the lens of thirty or more years, so ... you know.)