Saturday, November 3, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 11/3/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... 'tis the season. 

As I've done in Novembers past, there will be no ranting on Saturdays during Thanksgiving.  Ranting on other days is still possible, and seeing as how election day is also this month, highly likely.

Over on the Facebook, I'm doing a daily statement of gratitude, and so each Saturday for the near future, I'll gather the previous week's output here so that my thanks can be permanently recorded (in case I ever have a down day and need to go looking for reasons to buck up like the bestest buttercup).  To whit:

THURSDAY the 1st:  I am thankful for writing the rent check. Oh sure, it may be a bigger number than I'd like it to be ... but three and a half years into this relationship with this easy going landlord, and there's nothing more comforting that setting up house and keeping up house and filling up the house with those you love and those who love you. If the price for that is the cost of a monthly rent check, then thank goodness I get to write a rent check each month.

FRIDAY the 2nd:  I am thankful for dreams. I don't mean the grand aspirational ones that keep a person motivated, although they are certainly a "nice to have". I mean the weird ones that happen when you are asleep and that seem to make no sense at all but that apparently are letting you release all kinds of stress in healthy ways. And, as a bonus, sometimes they are oh-so-randomly filled with people from your past. For instance, Gerald W, Jenn G and I all survived a helicopter crash the other night, and we did so by walking really fast on top of the water of the lake where we landed ... and just last night, I led a bus trip back to my hometown of Lebanon PA, where things fell apart because Amy G and Amy GT, looking like they did in high school in 89 of course, refused to get back on the bus because I hadn't give them the right itinerary (sorry ladies). And don't get me started about the drones-on-demand that were flying overhead uber-style waiting to be summoned to solve problems and to answer questions as needed. For setting loose a wild imagination in what I think is a harmless way, for that I am so thankful.

SATURDAY the 3rd:  I am thankful for long rides in a car with an old-fashioned CD player (I'd also be prepared to be thankful if the car had an old-old-fashioned cassette player, but then said car might be from the 80's and might not be that reliable). Bonus gratitude -- when that drive is long enough that you can have a nearly complete curated Toad the Wet Sprocket concert (ending with the most recent Glen Phillips solo project). Bonus bonus gratitude -- when the drive with the curated concert happens because you get to catch up with that good college friend of yours that you see about every two years of late. For all three things, I am quite thankful.