Saturday, November 10, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 11/10/18

I don't mean to go off on a rave here, but ...

... 'tis the season. 

And 'tis the *tradition*, because it's what I do *every* November.  Over on the Facebook, it's a daily statement ... and here on the blog, it's a weekly summary.

Without any further ado:

SUNDAY the 4th:  I am thankful for the improvements that modern technologies provide. As someone who famously had almost bloody fingers because he didn't know which way to work an allen wrench hex key when putting a "build-your-own-furniture" desk together (I was trying to turn the small end), I couldn't be more pleased that the latest put-air-in-your-tires thingamajig has a built in digital display and a beeper to tell you when you should stop filling up one tire and move on to another. For making the task of driving fully inflated so easy that even *I* can do it, I am most thankful.

MONDAY the 5th:  I am thankful for the bougainvillea. In a previous November in an earlier year, I was thankful for the *neighbor's* bougainvillea, which used to creep over the back yard fence and provide a "pop of color". Then the trash people moved in to that house, and they cut down all the foliage. Luckily, though, we had liked what we had seen so much, that we had gotten a small version for the back patio (see it on the picture on the right, getting watered [to the extent that the puppies would allow]). That little potted bougainvillea was subsequently replanted over by the new post-Irma fence, and now it is free to grow and to take over OUR yard. For no longer having to rely on the kindness of neighbors for our "pop of color", I am definitely thankful.

TUESDAY the 6th:  I am thankful for the ability to vote (see my "I voted!" post from earlier today) ... and even more thankful for the ability to spend the evening watching the results come in (my work calendar tomorrow has been cleared of meetings and is just a "task" day) ... and I am the most thankful that the bar has been stocked for the evening. For that perfect combination of democracy-in-modern-times and alcohol, I am quite thankful.

WEDNESDAY the 7th:  I am thankful for documentaries. It kind of reminds me of the old days in school when the teacher would decide to take a day off and would wheel the TV/VCR cart in front of the classroom and "outen" the lights (I grew up in PA Dutch country) -- and that day's learnin' would be from whatever was on the screen. Now I can do that continual learnin' in the comfort of my own home -- although it's on demand now, and it's likely found on the HBO. Today, for instance, I watched 'Baltimore Rising' and I got informed about all those who tried to keep Baltimorians from rioting during the Gray trials. For that to which I'd never be exposed were it not for the documentarian's camera, I am so thankful.

THURSDAY the 8th:  I am thankful for the fact that I am finally starting to embrace modern technology ... which means my little black book of lists on random scraps of paper and index cards and such, which is where I also stored my favorite fortune cookie fortunes, is practically retired. In its place, I use the "color notes" app on the smart phone, which thankfully seems to have an endless limit of lists I can store there. (Lest you judge -- remember that science says that the kind of people with clutter on their desks and their phones are the genius kind). For an easy way to keep track of tasks and lists and dreams and wishes and all kinds of such things ... I am very very thankful.

FRIDAY the 9th:   I am thankful for those who want to make a difference and who choose to take action to do so (part 1). In the classic words of Robin Sparkles (you know if you know), all y'all back in central PA should be saying "let's go to the (Lebanon Valley) Mall" tomorrow, Saturday, November 10th between 10am and 4pm to enjoy the Veterans Day vendor show (with proceeds going toward a military cause [Keystone Military Families]). All the details can be found at this link:  For those back home who walk the walk instead of just talking the talk, even though I'm far away and can't join in, for you and what you do, I am most thankful.

SATURDAY the 10th:  I am thankful for those who want to make a difference and who choose to take action to do so (part 2). For instance, back in my hometown of Lebanon PA, there are those who spend Veterans' Day weekend highlighting the plight of homeless veterans by BECOMING homeless for the weekend, becoming reliant on a public who too often likes to look away for food and monetary donations. I understand it's a wet, cold and thoroughly icky weekend for this activity ... which only makes the mission more poignant. For those back home who care so deeply that they'd brave the elements to prove a point, I am so thankful. (And they'd be thankful were you able to help out the cause : ).