Saturday, November 17, 2018

Random Posting for Penn State 11/17/18

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  The.  Most.  Winningest.  Ever.

2.)  Now if only Trace McSORLEY can become the face of winning on the interwebs and knock that crazy one of the two-and-a-half-guys fame and that idiot in the White House off of all the "winning" memes.
3.)  I've admitted before that I don't know all the football rules ... or the football stats ... or the football regulations ... or the difference between onsite and offsides, but I sure do get excited whenever I get to yell "big throw ... BIG throw ... BIG THROW" any time the ball is in the air for any extended length of time.
4.)  I wonder if Scarlet Knight Saquan (with an 'a') got jealous of all the success of our Saquon (with an 'o') last year?  
5.)  Also -- how many other Saquan/Saquons are out there?  Was there some surge in popularity in that name two decades ago that I missed?
6.)  Hey boys ... that's a lot of sacks.  Thankful to be on the giving end instead of the receiving end, though, as that starts to banish from memory the Sackenburg debacle from a few years back.
7.)  Hey announcermen -- thanks for explaining that the red haze on the field at the outset was from all the cannon fire that kicked off the game, as I was all but sure that the TV was dying -- and I was not prepared for dealing with that kind of loss during the holidays.
8.)  Hey announcermen -- I had no idea that y'all were so good at throwing shade, but saying that the Rutger's player is probably driving the team bus because he's doing it all out there on the field by himself sure did sound just the right kind of bitchy. 
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be Trace McSORLEY ... 'cause the guy is running out of records to break!

In closing, thanks to Jared's 'Dare to be Devoted' ad campaign -- specifically the ad that aired today that featured the "godbrother" relationship between Devin FUNCHESS and KJ HAMLER.  (I know there's no crying in baseball ... but I'm guessing a few tears can be shed in college football.)  Also -- here's to the final in-season game against Maryland next week back in Beaver Stadium at 3:30 pm ... and may they NOT give us the same kind of scare they gave The Ohio State today.