Monday, November 12, 2018

Random Memorial for Monday 11/12/18

Gone but not forgotten:  the sixth album released by Bonnie Raitt ... that's almost as old as I am.  (It was released in 1977 ... and I was released out my momma's privates in 1972).

I know that it's pretty old because that cassette was once white and has aged into that dirty yellow color.

I also know that it's pretty pretty old because I distinctly remember all but wearing it out in my very first car, the yellow gold Ford Escort, flipping the tape over to hear side 1 again when side 2 was done, in that generation's version of putting it on "repeat".

Finally, I know that it's pretty pretty pretty old because it's one of those releases where *every* single song is worthy of being featured in this post since they are all just that good.  So much so, that I'm going to break with tradition and post TWO tunes in its memory (and by the way, you should know by now that the CD version of the album is currently in the massive music collection, which makes this cassette a duplicate, which is why this is in the trash in the first place).

As I said, any of the songs *could* be listed below, but seeing as how ain't nobody sings a sad sad song full of the heartache that comes from knowing too too much about human nature like Bonnie does ... it's going to have to be the ones that all about the sadness everybody in town felt when they found 'Louise' ... and the sadness that comes from realizing that it's finally time to pack up and leave a loved one as you sing your 'Opening Farewell' to them.

But really, go find this whole album and put it on repeat.  You're welcome.