Thursday, November 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... statement of gratitude (November 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... statement of gratitude.

Now more than ever, I plan to fully participate in the annual tradition of giving of thanks -- expanded beyond just that one day (the earliest possible Thanksgiving date this year, what with the month starting on a Thursday) to the whole month, because doing so is perfectly aligned with the spirit of the original mission of this series:
  to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

By the way, kudos to those of you who have successfully expanded the tradition to a whole year ... or even an evergreen, every day concept, as I've seen over on the Facebook.  Studies have been done that show that people who are grateful sleep more soundly, engage more authentically and love more deeply.  It's simple -- your quality of life will improve if you take a moment to appreciate the moments you are in, and who doesn't want a higher quality of life?

(Also -- fingers crossed that practicing your gratitude statements early on in the month will prepare you for all for which you [hopefully] have to be thankful after the first November holiday is over -- that of election day next week, of course.)

As always, participate how best suits your life -- be grateful for the little things ... for the profound things ... for the things you normally pass over in your day to day routine ... for those that came before ... for those who give you the support you need ... for the bare necessities ... for the luxuries ... for the groceries ... for the "this" ... for the "that" ... for the "in-between".  For whatsoever you pick and howsoever you choose to do it, only be sure to choose to offer up just one more ... statement of gratitude!