Saturday, October 6, 2018

Random Soapbox for Saturday 10/6/18

I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...

... I understand that there may be many of you who are somewhat anguished over the recent turn of events, what with there now being someone on the court who gets a a little rapey when he gets a lot drunk.  Disclaimer:  to avoid the Confederate Flag clan (or is that Klan?) showing up on my driveway in the morn, my lawyers want me to add "allegedly" -- to which I say, why not add it three or four times?  In the end, I lost count as to how many "alleges" there were (more than Obama but less than Cosby) ... and we may never know since the final flawed FBI report is sealed up tighter than Melania's privates now that the whole world knows about all of Donny's side-pieces -- including the extreme evangelicals, who, let's face it, have a long history of supporting their OWN leaders' side-pieces, but who, let's really really face it, don't care how Pharisetical they look, because, so long as Roe v Wade gets overturned via beer-loving-Brett, then the end will have justified the mushroom-headed megalomaniac's means all along ... (and everyone that is white and pure and above a certain socio-economic status will go to the same heaven ... the end).

By the way, I was taught to always try to find the silver lining in things, and so I am just happy that Clarence now has someone else with whom he can play the classic workplace game of "whose pubic hair is on my coke can".  Old Man Thomas, who's been petulantly silent at work since he went through his own public (and kind of pubic) vetting process back in 1991 (because everything old is new again, as must be when the leadership of the country is fixated on being ultra-regressive), finally has a work buddy that speaks his language -- so maybe he'll start speaking.  As a matter of fact, I thought maybe Squee in the Kavanaugh calendars was possibly Clarence ... except ... well ... I also have a suspicion that Kavanaugh might not have had any black friends back then.  Just a hunch -- an ivy-league frat-douche mfing-porky's-wannabe spoiled boofed-up drunken hunch.

Oh -- another potential shiny distraction?  Can you imagine the Supremes' holiday party this year (which I am all but sure will be renamed the "Christmas" party after this turn of events), and would you not want to be there when he gets to the "loud, obnoxious drunk [...] prolific puk[ing]" part of the night and he and Clarence try to trap RBG in the Devil's Triangle and she castrates both of them right then and there for God and country and constitution?  That alone might make all the concern and consternation of the last few weeks worth it.

Here's the real thing -- you can't get so discouraged ... or exhausted ... or blindingly angry that you lose sight of where we're headed in this war just because of a loss of a single battle.  And make no mistake about it, we've been in the UNCivil War now for a few years ... and we'll be in it for a few more.  (If you need to be reminded of it, watch as much of a Trumpster-fire rally as you can stomach.)  NOW is the time to access your best coping skills and to compartmentalize-af in order to get past this round of disappointment.

Here's another real thing -- you can't let this sh!tshow in any way diminish YOUR story.  Just because "they" aren't listening doesn't mean you stop sharing -- because there are good hearted people who are hearing what you are saying and who will be there to support you as you relive your experiences -- creating a broken-bleeding-hearts club of sorts.  You have to know that just because Genital-Grabber-in-Chief with his Hop Low* dick is worried that little Baron VonTrump has to grow up in a world where he can't get blasted and pretend he doesn't comprehend the concept of consent, doesn't mean that the power of the #metoo movement will be lessened.

(*In case you missed that reference, my eternal devotion and gratitude to anyone who can get Disney to re-release it's 'Fantasia', featuring the world's tiniest mushroom 'Hop Low', redrawn as the President's penis.)

Here's yet another real thing -- if you are going to be called upon to contribute to the cause, then you need to consider doing the following four step program post haste:

1.)  Take care of yourself.  If that means you need a break from reality, then by all means, breakaway like national treasure Kelly Clarkson did in 2004 and hie thee hither to a little respite and relaxation (the non-military version of r-and-r) wherever and however you need.

2.)  Take care of your loved ones.  The elderly, likely advanced-syphilitic (wouldn't that explain a lot?), pervert who spends part of his time in the White House doesn't matter in the end.  He thrives off the attention that he couldn't get from Frederick (anti)Christ Trump (who instead of love, saw his child as a tax loophole when he gave him 413 million dollars back in the 90's) -- so you know what, deny him that.  He.  Doesn't.  Matter.  In.  The.  End.  Instead, your loved ones are the most important people in your life and deserve all that you have to give.

3.)  Take care of your community.  Let the rest of the MAGA maggots regress.  Their time is limited -- one way or another -- but the changes you make locally can have a lasting effect.  In other words, if you feel helpless, then help someone else.  Take control back.  Make that change.  Do what you can to show them that they can't take away our humanity no matter how hard they try.  We.  Will.  Win.  In.  The.  End.

4.)  Think local and long term.  You know how this hurts more because naming a justice has a long-lasting effect ... well there's another long term thing about to happen -- and that's the redistricting that happens every ten years.  And you know who redraws those lines?  Your local state government.  As I said at the beginning of this diatribe, don't lose sight of what's ahead because of all the manufactured drama of the moment.  Focus on your local races -- get the turnout -- win those battles in this war.

Here are the final real things, in rapid round format: 

Talk to the youth, because pre-crack Whitney was right in that the children are our future, and the ones who are now of voting age may be of the procrastinating last minute type who might miss the registration deadlines that are soon passing in most states. 

Take comfort in knowing that our founding fathers birthed a system that can handle all of this and although it's true that the pendulum tends to swing both ways, it's only to a point where the extremes (on both sides) are no longer able to influence things. 

Beware the Facebook, and its tendencies for complex issues to be reduced to sassy-ass memes, which may be funny to a certain audience, but which ultimately serve no purpose in advancing serious debate and discussion.  Personally, I found it easier to put those things in perspective once I realized Facebook folks too often approach politics the same way they do sports team allegiance -- you know the pics of dogs pooping on your favorite team's paraphernalia that are interchangeable depending on whom you want to piss off?  *That's* the level of sophistication that the current state of tribalism brings to "political discussion" on the Facebook.  You should be embarrassed for them ... or maybe even take a knee in protest the next time you see a poorly passed around one (that probably originated from one of Putin's мальчик anyway). 

Warning:  you might lose a social media friend (or multiple folks) who might think your statements are offensive.  But keep in mind that even Trump insults his own followers.  Remember the "I could stand in the middle of 5th ave and shoot someone" and it wouldn't matter line?  That's him Trumpeting the fact (as only he can) that his die-hards (whom I affectionately call "Trump-polyps", because their heads are so far up his ass they might as just well attach themselves to the walls of his intestines) are idiots without a moral compass.  And really, how many friends of that caliber do you even need in your collection?  Also, losing a Facebook friend is okay.  Because Facebook isn't real.   Coat-hanger abortions are.  Don't get too caught up in the one thing that you forget about fighting to avoid the possibility of the other.

In closing -- if you find yourself "down and troubled and you need some loving care", just call out Winston Churchill's name, because he knew a thing or two about getting through a long time of trouble.  I leave you with more of his words:  “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."  Or, in the parlance of the young folk:  #resist.