Sunday, October 14, 2018

Random Scandal Sheet for Sunday 10/14/18

What southern Florida is talking about this week:

The arrival of Fall y'all!

As I've previously said, since moving to the land of eternal sunshine in 2014, I've learned how important it is to honor traditions during the non-summer months so as not to forget that former life where seasons actually changed.

To whit, this weekend was our annual trip to Flamingo Road Nursery, which has specially designated weeks throughout the "harvest" season.  Officially, our visit coincided with "tomato festival", but it was really all about seeing all the pumpkins on display and scoring some apple cider and other fall good-eats.  The one in the cup in the picture accompanying this post was supposed to be frozen in a slushie, but it turns out that they couldn't handle the demand, so apple-cider-on-ice was the best they could do instead.

We want to officially go on record for *next* year to remind ourselves to travel there during a weekday, as the weekend apparently draws hundreds and hundreds of kiddies looking to paint pumpkins and take a hay ride (an itchy itchy hay ride in temps in the high 80's ... but, you know, whatevs) ... which can be a bit overwhelming. 

Regardless, though, here's to a happy fall from us and ours to you and yours, wherever and with whatever temps you are experiencing.  May your leaves turn to beautiful colors, may your pumpkins not rot two days after putting them on your porch (a problem down here in the SoFlo), and may you take advantage of whatever fall activities your community has to offer you.

(In lieu of my usual links-in-triplicate, here's a single url for the place we go to each year ... and two more photos from our visit there this weekend ...)