Saturday, October 27, 2018

Random Posting for Penn State 10/27/18

Here are 9 Nittany Nuggets from today's football game:

1.)  Of all the turnovers in today's game, I liked the last one the best.

2.)  I stand by what I said last week -- I vastly prefer the 4th quarters when we're up by a lot over these ones where you have to watch to the very ... very ... last second.  After all, I'm now an old man with a heart full of bacon grease ... and I'm not trying to go out in the last seconds of a Penn State game.
3.)  Congrats to Coach FRANKLIN on his 100th coached college football game -- and I'm sure both of us are happy that it was a W.
4.)  While I'm congratulating people, I'll save some for Tommy STEVENS for all the work he did there at the end of the 2nd quarter to help our efforts today.
5.)  And, being as polite as I am, I'll offer my final set of congratulations to the IOWA defensive line, who prove that corn-fed boys grow tall -- like 7 foot tall.
6.)  Let me tell ya -- a well documented recent case of the dropsies PLUS bad weather EQUALS a messy messy messy start to the game.
7.)  Hey announcermen -- I know not everyone likes their co-worker, but it sure seems like y'all don't necessarily get along and were purposefully at odds for most of the commentary.
8.)  Hey announcermen -- I may not know the difference between onsite and offsite, but I sure do know that havoc is WREAKED and not WRECKED.  Please cheak yourself ... I mean check yourself.
9.)  I don't care what anyone else says.  *My* player of the week is going to *have* to be our boy with all the records Trace McSORLEY, who responded to the halftime question of "how's your knee" with a 51 yard TD run ... as in "the knee's just fine, thanks for asking"!

In closing, thanks to mama Oruwariye for her service, as recognized today
 at the military appreciation ceremony ... and here's to whatever we need to do to execute an upset next week at the 3:45pm game against the "enemy" known as Michigan.

HAPPY 100th (HAPPY 'CAUSE IT'S A 'W', OF COURSE):,1478260/