Monday, October 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... midterm vote (October 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... midterm vote.

I am aware enough to realize that most of my posts in this particular series of late have been about finding an escape from the real world ... because Good God Almighty do we need a respite and nepenthe from what is happening out there all around us.  This month, though, we get back to a state of being more aligned a little more directly with the original mission:  
to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

Here's the thing:  statistics show that only 40% of eligible voters turn out for midterm election years and that's ... well ... shameful.  And another study says that just 28% of young adults ages 18 to 29 say they are “absolutely certain” they’ll vote in midterms, compared to 74% of seniors ... which is frightening in its own way to those of us who believe what Whitney promised us:  that the children are indeed our future.

Not all the news is dire -- google what Yara Shahidi is doing.  Support MTV (which in my generation helped us "rock the vote") as it heavily promotes its "plus one" campaign (i.e. vote ... and bring a friend with you) -- the first ever initiative it's done for a midterm election.

We *have* to Susan Powter the sh!t out of this current scenario and STOP THE INSANITY.  We *have* to show up and vote in November even though it's "only" a midterm.  We *have* to save our democracy from those who would try to ruin it ... who might also be reading this post ... which only means we have to deliver *double* the Trump-polyp vote since our political system is a numbers game.  We *have* to take our country back from those so proudly RE-gressive in their agenda.  We *have* to succeed by ultimately delivering ... just one more ... midterm vote!