Wednesday, August 1, 2018

JUST ONE MORE ... picnic (August 2018)

JUST ONE MORE ... picnic.

(Blink.)  It's Christmas.  

*That's* my imitation of how quickly this year is flying past ... which is why I'm proposing that we all need to rally around making the most of the last days of summer before they are gone ... just ... like ... that ... by enjoying ourselves (and each other) at a picnic!  As you can probably guess, it's the latest entry in this ongoing concept to embrace incremental change in order to empower folks (or just me) to stay positive and solution-focused in a day and age where problems often seem insurmountable, control often seems out of reach and apathy often seems to be running rampant.

Admittedly, for me and mine here in the SoFlo, it's *always* picnic weather ... but for those of you who might be reading this in less temperate climates, Labor Day (and cooler weather) is literally just around the corner.  As is always the case with these ideas, you should celebrate as you see fit -- just so long as you get out and enjoy nature in the summer weather before it morphs into something more pumpkin spicey, schedule it with whomever you'd like (or go solo if it suits your fancy), be sure to pack a basket of goodies (to eat AND drink!), and have yourself a grand old time at your pic-a-nic that would make Yogi Bear proud!

Over on the Facebook each week I'll be posting pics of the picnics me and mine are having (note:  there WILL be watermelon), and you should feel free to do the same ... because the world needs us all to pause and relax and recharge and refocus on the months to come (warning:  midterms ahead!) ... by enjoying the hell out of just one more ... picnic